Enter Projects Asia--曼谷SPICE & BARLEY餐厅
2020年三月,Enter Projects Asia完成了位于曼谷河畔的SPICE & BARLEY餐厅项目。业主的理念十分明确,即引入创新和生态意识,使新品牌在当地达到国际设计标准。设计概念围绕几十年前出生在四川的May,Zaza和Fei三姐妹的冒险经历展开。随着设计团队对故事的深入探索,设计逐渐形成叙事性,他们用自由流动的、雕塑般的藤条结构组成的复杂网架连接过去和现在,如同三姐妹的故事一样令人陶醉。In March 2020,Enter Projects Asia completed the design installation for Spice & Barley at Riverside in Bangkok. Minor International were clear on their brief : to introduce innovation and eco-awareness, giving the new brand a local context – to an International design standard. The initial concept centered around the adventures of three sisters, May, Zaza & Fei who were born in Sichuan decades earlier. As they explored the story in more depth, a design narrative was formed, connecting the past & present in a complex web of free flowing, statuesque rattan structures, as intoxicating as the characters themselves.
▼项目外观,external view of the project ©William Barrington-Binns
▼结构细部,structure details ©Enter Projects Asia
In their signature style, fusing 3D digital technology with traditional arts & crafts, the Enter Projects team sought to incorporate natural, renewable rattan into the 30-metre-high space. By generating free-flowing liquid geometries, to mimic beer as it’s poured into a glass, the design aesthetic gives a strong nod to Spice & Barleys anchorage as a craft Belgium Beer destination. The sweeping rattan columns flawlessly frame the backdrop of the three sisters, a dual nod to the Sichuan cuisine which ingeniously complements the beer offering. Whilst the form itself is visually awe-inspiring, the gold painted rattan also serves to hide the beer pipes, air-conditioning and other related services, paying homage to the belief that “form and function should be one, joined in a spiritual union”.
▼宽大的藤柱完美地衬托出印有三姐妹的背景墙,sweeping rattan columns flawlessly frame the backdrop of the three sisters ©William Barrington-Binns
▼巨大的藤柱在视觉上给人以冲击 ©William Barrington-Binns
sweeping rattan columns is visually awe-inspiring
▼天然藤条结构如同双子塔 ©William Barrington-Binns
natural rattan structures acting as twin towers
▼藤条形成自由流动的液体形状 ©William Barrington-Binns
rattans generating free-flowing liquid geometries
The site overlooks the Chao Priya River and the natural rattan structures act as twin towers, referencing the high rise towers in the backdrop. The vast geometries flood the ceiling in an uninterrupted balustrade of twists and turns which bounce the light and become a beacon from far away. In keeping with the original brief, the design sensibilities at Spice and Barley are intrinsically Asian Fusion, a phenomenal marriage of ideas, creating a space in which you innately sense that the Client and Architect have understood one another perfectly.
▼藤条细部,rattan details ©William Barrington-Binns
▼平面,plan ©Enter Projects Asia
▼立面,elevation ©Enter Projects Asia
▼剖面,section ©Enter Projects Asia
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