
Pastel Brasserie and Bar——2014艾特奖最佳餐饮空间设计奖获奖...
小盆  / 发表于 2015-1-6 10:52:29 |酒店餐饮[严选]  / 餐厅餐吧饭店



本帖最后由 小盆 于 2015-1-6 10:53 编辑

2014Idea-Tops艾特奖最佳餐饮空间设计奖得主:BK Architecture(以色列)

获奖作品:Pastel Brasserie and Bar


Simple but rich in forms, creating adifferent dining space.

Pastelis Baranowitz Kronenberg’s new brasserie on Tel Aviv’s cultural block, locatedat the new wing of Tel Aviv Museum of Art.



The design of the new wing by Preston Scott Cohen has already conquered the mediaand social networks, staring its daring architecture around the globe. Cohen’swork joins the ever growing list of museums (Guggenheim Bilbo, Maxi Rome etc’)that challenge the threesome relationship between art, display space and Place.

Preston Scott Cohen设计的这所艺术博物馆已经在传媒和社交媒体中引起广泛反响。

This is the context into which BK steps to develop a 400 meters square skeletalempty space placed at the ground level of the edifice facing the museum’ssculpture garden and its grove of eucalyptus trees; an exclusive setting for arestaurant unlike any other in the city.


Yet Pastel is first and foremost a city restaurant not a museum restaurant.Privileged by a complete freedom from the opening hours of the museum Pastelresponds to the pulses of the city and introduces a unique social venue for theheart of Tel Aviv’s Cultural center.


Entrance to Pastel is via a public piazza flanking the museum compound and the visitingpublic is requested to step outside the museum and cross over to Pastel throughthe sculpture garden.


BK developed an indigenous narrative for Pastel inspired by two opposite worlds;the world of “new and next” represented by the hyper geometric architecture ofthe new wing and the world of The Brasserie - an almost two centuries oldculinary and socializing bastion of the western world.


BK juxtaposes these two worlds in the most straight forward way. The dynamicenvelop of the new wing is sucked into the space to become the interior envelopof Pastel while the Brasserie world seems to have landed out of a time machineright in the center of the space.


Eachof the worlds jealously clings to its DNA, both unaware of the beautifulfriendship which is bound to begin between them…..


The world of “new and next” is represented by a white and vigorous geometryclouding Pastel with endless shades of white. The south - east light bounces onthe grey stone flooring and renders the ceiling with a soft appearance and awelcoming air, a must have mood for socializing.


The Brasserie world on the other hand is the embodiment of its classics; boothseating, crystal chandeliers, voluptuous marble tops, Thonet chairs which allcome in Bordeaux color tone placed on top of a herring- bone wood platform, anisland of sorts evoking different times and places.


At the very far end of Pastel a Study was developed shadowed only by a winelibrary where even large groups of people can share a sense of privacy underthe cloudy geometry.


The dinning bar celebrates the views to the terrace and the sculpture garden asmuch as those of the interior scene. All guests face the view through adeclining section of the seating arrangement.


The marble tops serve both the dinners and the bar team blurring the bordersbetween them and motivating unexpected open-minded conversations with the teambehind the counter.


Pastel holds a secret venue. Within its envelop, an “alcohol beat box” is concealedfrom the eyes of the guests. A box in a box, pumping high rates of alcohol andsound dbs. This Mini-bar has a life of its own which abides to a differentbiological clock. It is destined for the city’s insiders, for those who livethe long nights. An inconspicuous acoustic door leads into the mini-bartranscending the culinary world into the realm of the unexpected and of alcoholdriven experience.


The mini-bar is designed as small scale cathedral. Its altar bears the lowestsection of the space, programmed to build up high pressure and intensify theexperience around the 360 degrees bar. A wild alcohol “cross” floats in mid airmarking the reason for all to be there. Low seating is encouraged under thehigh section of the space with the intention of making the late nighters mix,mingle and connect.


The Bordeaux color of the space intensifies the alcoholic all-hours scene.


The sculpture garden terrace is a unique all-year venue which leverages Pastel asan iconic social hub for the free flow of energies, hanging out and the buzzingenergies supported by an open skies bar and a 12 meters long galvanized steeltable where partying is only imminent.



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