项目名称: M.J HOUSE 设计单位:硕瀚创意设计研究室 设 计 师:杨铭斌/Beni Yeung 摄 影:杨铭斌/Beni Yeung 主要材料:木饰面,铁方管,乳胶漆,镜面,木地板 项目面积:93㎡ 项目地址:广东佛山 设计时间:2013年5月-6月 完工时间:2013年12月
整个空间设计奉行現代主義建築的形体,通过形体的穿插,设计师的特意设置让空间流動起来。簡單的立面與精緻的材質,縱橫交錯的垂直水平立面建構出形體的簡潔與純粹。空间里的形体构成,模糊各区使用功能空間的定義,營造寬廣的空間視野;巧妙地利用镜面反射,让空间得以延续,使室内空间得到很大的张力。有了空间的定义,让设计师在选择灯饰与家具搭配的同时,展示主人一种对现代主義的钟爱与品位;素色纯白空间特别能衬托出灯饰与家具的质感,恬淡却不乏灵气。 The entire space design is inspired from the shape of Modernism architecture. The crisscrossing structure is designed expressively to make the space fluid. Basic facade, delicate texture, crossing vertical and horizontal structure, all together creates a pure and neat appearance. In the aspect of space function divisions, the definition is blurred to build a wide space vision. The use of mirror reflections further extends the interior space.Based on this clear function orientation, designer selects lights and furniture to present client’s love and taste for Modernism. Especially, the quality of lights and furniture is shown by the choice of pure and white colors, simple but not lack of smart feelings.