人们总能轻易地感知到光的存在变化,光亦是反映事物与空间的载体,聚焦于光影之间隐匿的差异性,让视觉对光线的主观感知与空间的客观存在,形成紧密的联系。 People can easily perceive the existence and changes of light, and light is also a carrier that reflects things and space. Focusing on the hidden differences between light and shadow, the subjective perception of light by vision is closely related to the objective existence of space.
Ⅰ 平面圖 Planar graph 内置三恒系统的高端精装科技房,墙顶地布满了毛细血管,改造的范围受限。从收纳需求与美观感受出发,重定空间尺度,提高感知意识,使人与空间建立更多联系。 The high-end furnished technology room with built-in three constant system has walls, ceilings, and floors covered with capillaries, which limits the scope of renovation. Starting from the needs of storage and aesthetic perception, redefine the spatial scale, enhance perceptual awareness, and establish more connections between people and space. Ⅱ 客廳 Living room 打开所有感官,重拾日常中被忽略的细节,栏栅娑影是一个暗示与推动,不知不觉地从一种状态,转移到另一种状态。 Open all senses and rediscover the overlooked details in daily life. The fence shadow is a hint and push, unconsciously transitioning from one state to another. 整个空间被不寻常的、有趣的场景所取代,孩子与三只小猫的活动场景,不受限制,不设任何标准。 The entire space is replaced by unusual and interesting scenes, with no restrictions or standards set for the activity of children and three kittens. Ⅲ 玄關 Hallway Ⅳ 餐廳 Restaurant 家是探索私密个性与共用场所之间的关系,空间形成的过程,划定了基本格局,合理的组成,“非理性”的材料,最终形成了超现实的合理形态。 Home is the exploration of the relationship between private personality and shared space, the process of space formation, the delineation of basic patterns, rational composition, and "irrational" materials, ultimately forming a surreal and rational form. Ⅴ 主臥 Bedroom 床是业主本来就有的家具,实木质感温润厚重。家本身就是带着“特别”符号的空间,有着不同的气息与能量,设计就是把这些特别的元素具象化、视觉化。 The bed is a furniture that the owner already has, with a solid wood texture that is warm and heavy. Home itself is a space with a "special" symbol, with different atmospheres and energies, and design is to concretize and visualize these special elements. Ⅵ 其它 Others VII Before VS After 設計出品 / 無一內建築設計事務所 Design by / WUI DESIGN&ASSOCIATES 主案 / 吴恒 Design director / HENG WU 團隊 / 刘文君 任铭 Partake / WENJUN LIU MING REN 項目類型 / 私宅 Category / Private residence 项目名称 / 廓线 Project Name / Evolution 项目面积 / 230m² Project Area / 230m² 项目地址 / 江苏南京 Project Address / Nanjing, Jiangsu