Unconventional space
Light is a record of self variation
Quiet and casual
Under the restraint of overall rationality
Create a little unconventional little accident
Ⅰ 業主 Proprietor @ answer824
A blogger with over 1000 pairs of shoes
It also has over 1000 types of aura
Undefined pure white minimalist space
Gradually enlarging from a focused viewpoint
Trigger an aimless brainstorming session
Endow life with unknown possibilities
Ⅱ 平面圖 Planar graph
业主两人都是超级收藏家,所有墙面都暗藏着满柜的收纳,只做了一间卧室,其余全是活动空间,烹饪、健身、电影、发呆、电竞……容纳一切可能。 Both of the owners are super collectors, and all the walls are hidden with full cabinets of storage. Only one bedroom has been made, and the rest are all activity spaces for cooking, fitness, movies, daydreaming, e-sports... accommodating everything possible.
Ⅲ 客廳 Living room
平滑的纯白空间婉转延伸,营造一个独享的世界,既指向人与空间的丰富互动,同时获得无尽变化的思绪。 The smooth and pure white space extends gently, creating an exclusive world that points to rich interaction between people and space, while obtaining endless changing thoughts.
家具均以简约的线条勾勒出轻松的氛围,恰到好处地装饰,既不拥挤也不空旷,留白之处,正是为了让居住者的思绪自由飞翔。 The furniture is outlined with simple lines to create a relaxed atmosphere, decorated perfectly, neither crowded nor empty. The blank spaces are designed to allow the occupants' thoughts to fly freely.
整个活动空间,构成的是复杂的极简主义,所有生活动线都暗藏在纯白之下。超长的餐岛一体布局,从容地实现复杂与极简的双重享受。 The entire activity space is composed of complex minimalism, with all the life flow hidden beneath pure white. The ultra long dining island integrated layout effortlessly achieves a dual enjoyment of complexity and minimalism.
Ⅳ 主臥 Bedroom
从多元、不规则的空间,转身步入静谧的世界。主卧区域依然以纯白为基调,沉浸在一抹深绿的氛围里,气味与音律都清晰地点亮着感观。 From a diverse and irregular space, turn around and step into a peaceful world. The master bedroom area is still dominated by pure white, immersed in a deep green atmosphere, with clear scents and melodies illuminating the senses.
Ⅴ 其它 Others
設計出品 / 無一內建築設計事務所 Design by / WUI DESIGN&ASSOCIATES 主案 / 吴恒 Design director / HENG WU 團隊 / 金梦 任铭 Partake / MENG JIN MING REN
項目類型 / 私宅 Category / Private residence 项目名称 / 空镜 Project Name / CLLECTORS
项目面积 / 198m² Project Area / 198m² 项目地址 / 江苏南京 Project Address / Nanjing, Jiangsu