● 柴门旗下的头 啖汤,在成都本 是一家略高于家常 川菜馆的风味餐厅。 Chaimen’s Toudan Soup is actually a speciality restaurant from Chengdu that offers home-cooked Sichuanese cuisine. 此次开到上海,必会 做足“风味”二字。 With its new location in Shanghai, it will focus even more on flavours.
● 在不乏川菜高手的 上海滩,温和示人显 的尤为重要,褪去浮华, 回归真实,或许是 空间设计上较为 正确的策略。 Shanghai has no shortage of fine Sichuanese cuisine,so it is all the more important for Toudan Soup to set itself apart by removing the superfluous and returning to its true self in its spatial design. 用手工回应质朴, 用色调回应温和, 成为我们在整 个设计中贯穿的思路。 Hence the use of handicrafts to reflect its rusticity and the gentle colours to convey its temperate nature.
PROJECT:柴门头啖汤 CHAIMEN TOUDAN SOUP LOCATION:中国上海普陀区莫干山路大洋晶典天安千树西区6楼 6th floor West Area Tian An 1000 Trees Grand Ocean Moganshan Road Putuo District Shanghai China SIZE: 600 SQM DESIGN: 2 / 2022 OPENING: 10 / 2022 主持设计:刘芮言 / 唐嘉骏 CHIEF DESIGNER:Rene Liu / Jiajun Tang 设计小组:刘芮言 / 唐嘉骏 / 但莎 / 贺雨晴 DESIGN TEAM:Rene Liu / Jiajun Tang / Dana / He Yuqing 家具/陈设/装置 设计:树下时上
SPECIAL THANKS TO:photographer He Chuan