
Iconic House | 隐逸的气息
达人网eric  / 发表于 2023-9-11 14:24:52 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师

Iconic House由经营着eFounders品牌的企业家Thibaud Elzière和Robin Michel共同创立,他们从全新的款待理念中汲取灵感,希望构建一个具有独特理念输出的全新品牌,以模糊酒店业和度假租赁业之间的界限,为客人提供最佳的体验和服务。
Iconic House was co-founded by Thibaud Elziere and Robin Michel, entrepreneurs who run the eFounders brand, who drew inspiration from a new hospitality concept and wanted to build a new brand with a unique idea output to blur the lines between the hospitality industry and the vacation rental industry. To provide guests with the best experience and service.

Les Hauts De Gordes理想的场景Les Hauts de Gordes是一座经过全面翻修的普罗旺斯风格的私宅,坐落在Luberon的中心地带,位于被评选为世界最美乡村之一的Gordes的山丘上。三栋独立建筑围绕着双泳池展开,毗邻薰衣草田、橡树和橄榄树林,以柔和的光线、材料的选择、丰富的色彩、与工匠的合作和宁静的氛围来构成如诗画般的生活场景。
Les Hauts de Gordes is a fully renovated Provencal-style private house located in the heart of Luberon, in the hills of Gordes, voted one of the most beautiful villages in the world. Three separate buildings are arranged around a double swimming pool, adjacent to lavender fields, oak and olive groves, with soft light, choice of materials, rich colors, collaboration with artisans and a peaceful atmosphere to create poetic scenes of life.

L'Étoile Des Baux艺术灵感这座建于阿尔卑斯山脉中心地带的岩石上的住宅,其灵感来源于艺术家之家的神话传说,被赋予了精致且奢华的感官体验。三栋建筑共设有八间套房,同时配置了游泳池、露天电影院和剧场、健身房、法式滚球场、儿童游乐屋等,齐备的设施和独特的自然环境给游客提供一种独一无二的当地体验。
Built on a rock in the heart of the Alps, this residence is inspired by the myth of the artist's house and is endowed with a sophisticated and luxurious sensory experience. A total of eight suites in three buildings are equipped with swimming pools, open-air cinemas and theatres, gyms, French courts, children's playhouses, etc. All facilities and unique natural environment provide visitors with a unique local experience.

LE 1550生活的艺术LE 1550是一座有着不同意义的小木屋,位于世界上最大的滑雪胜地:Les 3 Vallsames,深刻地诠释山中生活的艺术美学,为游客提供无与伦比的居住环境。室内结合了众多的复古物件和定制家具,以可触摸的木材和工作室独特的审美趣味为支撑,体现了对自身魅力和真实性的诚挚追求。
LE 1550 is a chalet with a different meaning, located in Les 3 Vallsames, the largest ski resort in the world, which deeply interprets the artistic aesthetics of mountain life and offers visitors an unparalleled living environment. The interior combines numerous vintage pieces and custom furniture, supported by tactile wood and the studio's unique aesthetic, reflecting a sincere pursuit of its own charm and authenticity.

Les Bords Du Lac
A traditional building built in the 1930s, the studio transformed it with respect for the original character and used local craftsmanship and materials to convey respect for the area. While adding a unique style to the building, it creates a resort-style home with the atmosphere of a beach house, where the occupants can enjoy a personal romantic time. A fresh visual approach and "extremely demanding yet relaxed" design form are naturally formed in the space featuring a vintage style.


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