Martini 是维多利亚州莫宁顿半岛上一个年轻的五口之家的度假屋,由Inglis Architects与Georgina Jeffries合作设计,充满欧洲风情。 "Inglis事务所的创始人Charlies Inglis说:"我们的愿景是打造一座具有迷人美感的海滨别墅,在孩子们成长的过程中给他们留下深刻的印象,唤起他们与家人共度夏日的珍贵回忆。
Martini takes shape as a European-inspired holiday home for a young family of five on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula, designed by Inglis Architects in collaboration with Georgina Jeffries. “Our vision was to craft a beach house with a compelling aesthetic that would leave a lasting impression on the young children as they grow, evoking cherished memories of summers spent with family,” Inglis Architects founder Charlies Inglis says.
Inglis Architects将建筑和室内设计构思为逃离墨尔本的一种方式。 "Charlies说:"创造一个与城市情感分离的空间是我们的首要任务,因为我们之前设计过他们在墨尔本的房子,所以我们可以天衣无缝地实现这一目标。工作室选择了具有自然魅力和独特瑕疵的材料,包括实木、混凝土台面、石材地板和矿物饰面墙壁。这种色调体现在壁炉、岛凳和独立吧台等雕塑元素中,形成了简洁内敛的统一设计语言。
Inglis Architects conceived the architecture and interiors as an escape from Melbourne, where the family’s permanent home is located.“Creating an emotional separation from the city was a key priority, and since we had previously designed their Melbourne house, we could achieve this seamlessly,” Charlies says. The studio selected materials for their natural charm and unique imperfections, including solid timber, concrete benchtops, stone floors and mineral-finished walls. This palette manifests in sculptural elements such as the fireplace, island bench and stand-alone bar, forming a cohesive design language of simplicity and restraint.
Inglis Architects 选用了具有自然魅力和独特瑕疵的材料,包括实木、混凝土台面、石材地板和矿物饰面墙壁。白色zellige瓷砖为厨房空间增添了手工制作的感觉。Georgina Jeffries在现有设计的基础上,添加了一层俏皮而轻松的家具、物品和艺术品。她希望这个地方给人一种大口呼吸的感觉,就像水和树木之间的避难所。
Inglis Architects selected materials for their natural charm and unique imperfections, including solid timber, concrete benchtops, stone floors and mineral-finished walls. White zellige tiles add a handmade feel to the kitchen space. Georgina Jeffries built on the existing design by adding a playful and relaxed layer of furniture, objects and art.“We wanted the place to feel like a big exhale – a sanctuary amongst the water and trees,” Georgina says.