Every culture is unable to withstand and absorb the onslaught of modern civilisation, and this is our mystery: how to become modern and return to our own sources.
本项目位于天津庆王府旧址侧楼。庆王府是清朝庆贞亲王载振在天津的故居。该建筑建于1922年并于次年(1923年)落成,位于当时的天津英租界的剑桥道。为砖木混合结构三层内天井围合式建筑。建筑外立面为中式青砖砌筑,外檐为水刷石,环绕四周的回廊和立柱, 搭配着蓝、绿、黄三色中国传统琉璃栏杆形成柱廊。建筑内部中庭,是整个建筑的中心,其他房屋在其四周依序展开,该建筑是一座典型的中西合璧建筑。
This project is located in the side building of the former Qing Wang Fu site in Tianjin. The Qing Wang Mansion was the former residence of Prince Zai Zhen of the Qing Dynasty in Tianjin. The building was constructed in 1922 and completed the following year (1923) on Cambridge Road in the then British Concession of Tianjin. It is a three-storey brick and timber building with an inner courtyard. The building’s exterior facade is made of Chinese brick with water-brushed stone eaves, surrounded by verandahs and columns with traditional Chinese glazed balustrades in blue, green and yellow to form a colonnade. Inside the building, the atrium is the centre of the whole building, with the other houses spreading out around it in order, making the building a typical combination of Chinese and Western styles.
▼外立面视角,Facade view © 郭哲
▼轴测爆炸图,axonometric exploded view © 衡建筑
The commissioner of this project, Qingmen, is a localised craft beer brand, adhering to the local route of colliding western brewing concepts with oriental raw material aesthetics. The combination of the site and the brand’s identity prompted us to look for a spatial expression of the common DNA.
The ground floor of the cloister is a long, narrow rectangle, only 4 metres wide, and interesting in that it is a through-height space, with a balcony made up of a colonnade up the leftmost staircase. On the plan we divide the space into two areas, left and right, with the entrance on the left facing the bar,16 where the wine heads are hidden in the wall. On the right side, the seating is arranged in an up-and-down row.
▼室内概览,Overview of interior space © 郭哲
Dome Rendition
欧洲因其具有相通的文化背景,因此建筑及其意志在根源上有很多共性,不论是建筑材料上 的砖石、建筑技术上的拱券、穹隆、扶壁、建筑形态上的塔楼、穹顶、柱廊等,都有一脉相承的特点。庆王府侧楼的回廊让我们联想到了热那亚——散落在城市内部的回型柱廊与穹顶 构成了大大小小的庭院空间,为这座城市历史悠久文脉绵密的城市带去了呼吸孔。在通高空间中我们打算使用中国传统木构的基本元素进行参数化设计,重组西方建筑传统的的穹顶空间。穹顶上的木方序列同时也是对立面错落砖石结构的平面变体。
▼穹顶的木方序列,square timber sequence of the dome © 衡建筑
Europe has a common cultural background, so the buildings and their wills have a lot in common at the root, whether it is the masonry of the building materials, the arches, domes and buttresses of the building technology, or the towers, domes and colonnades of the architectural form, they all share the same characteristics. The cloisters of the side buildings of the Qing Wangfu remind us of Genoa – the back-shaped colonnades and domes scattered throughout the city’s interior The corridors and domes are scattered throughout the city, forming large and small courtyard spaces that provide breathing holes in a city with a long history and a dense cultural heritage. In the through-height spaces we intend to parametrise the basic elements of the traditional Chinese timber frame and reorganise the dome spaces of the Western architectural tradition. The sequence of wooden squares on the dome is also a planar variation of the staggered masonry on the opposite side.
▼入口望向吧台,View of the bar from the entrance © 郭哲
▼吧台概览,Overview of the bar © 郭哲
▼从吧台望向室外,Looking out from the bar © 郭哲
▼就餐区,Dining area to the bar © 郭哲
Mirror and Perspective
由于场地的尺度有限,只能容纳三组穹顶,作为一种强秩序语言来说过于薄弱。文艺复兴大师Bramante在15世纪建造Santa Maria presso San Satiro时也遇到了类似的问题,由于场地的限制,没有足够的空间建造唱诗台。为解决这个问题Bramante利用透视法将深度仅为97厘米的雕塑和绘画,创造了一个透视空间,将空间延申了将近9.7米。然而在当代,透视法已然成为一种古典符号,古典的雕塑和绘画也不再适应当下绝大部分建筑语境。在此启发下我们决定将最右侧的整个墙面做成镜面,以反射原有的三组穹顶,最后视觉上变为六组穹顶的序列,且延伸了仅有50平且狭长室内空间。
Due to the limited scale of the site, only three sets of domes could be accommodated, which is too weak as a language of strong order. The Renaissance master Bramante encountered a similar problem when he built the Santa Maria presso San Satiro in the 15th century, as there was not enough room for a choir due to the constraints of the site. To solve this problem, Bramante used perspective to create a perspective space from sculptures and paintings that were only 97 cm deep, extending the space by almost 9.7 metres. In contemporary times, however, perspective has become a classical symbol, and classical sculpture and painting are no longer adapted to most contemporary architectural contexts. Inspired by this, we decided to mirror the entire rightmost wall to reflect the original three domes, resulting in a visual sequence of six domes and extending the narrow interior space of only 50 square metres.
▼穹顶在镜子中延伸,The dome extends in the mirror © 郭哲
▼穹顶的木方序列,Square timber sequence of the dome © 郭哲
▼穹顶细部, Detail of the dome © 郭哲
The space elongated by mirrors and fuelled by alcohol brings a surreal and unexpected illusion. From the first floor terrace of the Green Door Bar, the view is still of buildings from 200 years ago, and by stopping on the terrace to watch, sip and chat, we are returning to the public the spaces and landscapes that make up the smallest part of the city.
▼阳台概览,Overview of the balcony © 郭哲
▼外立面夜景,Night view of the facade © 郭哲
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan © 衡建筑
材料:木材 水磨石 微水泥 玻璃