
CÉSAR BÉJAR STUDIO--墨西哥Casa Los Tigres 住宅
达人网eric  / 发表于 2023-7-27 14:27:33 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师

Casa Los Tigres,这是一座海边的房子,体现了墨西哥独特的亲生物设计语言,是César Béjar Studio与建筑师Fernando Sánchez合作设计的。

Casa Los Tigres, a house by the beach that exemplifies Mexico’s unique biophilic design language, created in collaboration with architect Fernando Sánchez.

Casa Los Tigres位于墨西哥西海岸的海滨小镇新巴亚尔塔。一年中有一半的时间,这里的气候宜人温暖,不使用空调,允许建筑物向室外开放。在一年中的另一半,当温度更高,湿度也更高时,随着植被的蓬勃发展,景观也发生了变化。这种气候让csamar和Fernando决定将室内和室外空间的比例均匀化,并在两个领域之间进行一些优雅的过渡。整个花园都充满了雨季的气息。

Casa Los Tigres is located in Nuevo Vallarta, a small beach town on the west coast of Mexico.    For one half of the year, the climate here is pleasantly warm, negating the use of air conditioning and allowing buildings to stay open to the outdoors. During the other half of the year, when the temperatures are higher but so is the humidity, the landscape transforms as the vegetation flourishes.    This climate informed César and Fernando’s decision to incorporate an even ratio of indoor and outdoor spaces, with some gracefully transitioning between the two realms.    Throughout, the garden has been embraced with the wet season in mind.

除了对气候做出反应,César Béjar和Fernando还整合了该地区的典型建筑特征,其中之一是烧制粘土的屋顶和地板。这种自然纹理的材料与其他相同性质的材料结合在一起,包括手工制作的砖块和瓷砖,以及染色的热带木材,所有这些都来自当地。“我们不追求闪亮的饰面——相反,我们对使用当地的有机材料很感兴趣,”César Béjar说。

In addition to responding to the climate, César and Fernando have also integrated architectural features typical of the region, one being fired-clay roofs and floors. This naturally-textured material is joined by other materials of the same nature, including hand-made bricks and tiles, and stained tropical wood, all of which have been sourced locally. “We didn’t seek shiny finishes – instead, we were interested in working with local, organic materials,” César says.


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