
TEO YANG--韩国Yeoju
达人网eric  / 发表于 2023-7-13 15:59:05 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师

Yeoju完美的呈现了Teo Yang Studio的设计理念,将传统元素引入当代基调的空间之中。天然材料的色调、肌理以及柔和的灯光照明赋予空间一定的层次感,令展品成为室内的视觉焦点。通透的玻璃窗使自然光自由的投射在艺术品上,光与影雕刻出形体的轮廓,同时也激发了空间的活力。

Yeoju perfectly presents the design concept of Teo Yang Studio, introducing traditional elements into the space with a contemporary tone. The colors, textures and soft lighting of natural materials give the space a sense of hierarchy, making the exhibits the visual focal point of the interior. The transparent glass window enables the natural light to be freely projected on the artwork, and the light and shadow carve the outline of the form and stimulate the vitality of the space.

Teo Yang的设计常常会在遗产和传统中寻找灵感来源,并试图解读它背后的当代意义。这是他能够设计出融合了传统与现代设计的独特风格。他认为历史中有很多的教训和价值,可以为社会提供解决方案,所以在他的作品中利用遗产和历史,并不是对过去的再创造或模仿。

Teo Yang's designs often find inspiration in heritage and tradition, and try to interpret the contemporary meaning behind it. This allows him to create a unique style that combines traditional and modern design. He believes that history has many lessons and values that can provide solutions to society, so using heritage and history in his work is not a re-creation or imitation of the past.


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