一切的答案都藏在问题本身,家居与艺术的边界、美学与生活的尺度感来自于居者的精神空间,不求普遍适用,只求唯一欢喜。空间建构与居者精神世界的适配,设计的使命才算是完成;整个家居空间萦绕着展馆氛围的艺术气息,轻侘寂与极简的空间概念糅合呈现,其中多处运用弧形元素,与女主人柔美优雅的气质相得益彰。 All the answers are hidden in the question itself. The boundary between home and art, as well as the sense of aesthetics and scale of life, come from the spiritual space of the residents, seeking not universal applicability, but only unique joy. The adaptation of spatial construction to the spiritual world of residents is the completion of the design mission; The entire home space revolves around the artistic atmosphere of the exhibition hall, presenting a blend of light and simple spatial concepts, with multiple curved elements used to complement the gentle and elegant temperament of the hostess.
过厅 / Hallway
客厅看向餐厅 / View From The Living Room To The Dining Room
过厅看向餐厅 / View From The Hallway To The Dining Room
过厅 / Hallway
餐厅 / Dining Room
元素的表达来自于空间的立意、结构的形态,入户第一视角弧形元素的多处应用,对承重柱做圆形包柱,联系空间的视觉平衡,形式呈现出阵列式秩序感,顶部与立面空间的呼应,塑造空间沉浸氛围;餐厅顶面与窗边承重墙以贯穿式弧形设计,调整功能美感与空间的关系。 The expression of elements comes from the concept and structural form of the space, and the multiple applications of curved elements from the first perspective of entering the house. The load-bearing column is made into a circular envelope column, connecting the visual balance of the space. The form presents an array like sense of order, and the top echoes the facade space, creating an immersive atmosphere in the space; The roof of the restaurant and the load-bearing wall by the window are designed with a continuous arc, adjusting the functional aesthetics and spatial relationship.
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
玄关、客餐厅错层关系打造区域的自立与沉浸,顶面圆弧元素可见于每一处公共区域-遥相呼应。玄关鞋柜加入展示台的穿插设计,与客厅的暧昧互动营造区域的联系与氛围的轻盈。 The staggered relationship between the entrance and guest restaurant creates a self-sustaining and immersive area, with the arc elements on the top visible in every public area, echoing from afar. The interpenetrating design of the Document camera is added to the porch shoe cabinet, and the ambiguous interaction with the living room creates the connection of the area and the lightness of the atmosphere.
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
客厅 / The Living Room
空间形态以需求为导向,贴近于居者的生活方式。以休闲会客为主的客厅,沙发对摆放置,不同材质的物件加入其中营造休闲度假的空间感;极尽可能地发挥房屋优势,将客厅与室外花园隔墙更改为玻璃门加落地式折叠门的形式,室内外完全互通打造极佳的家居生活方式。 The spatial form is demand oriented and closely related to the lifestyle of the residents. The living room is mainly for leisure reception, with sofas arranged in opposite directions, and objects of different materials added to create a sense of leisure and vacation space; Make the most of the advantages of the house by changing the partition between the living room and outdoor garden to a glass door and floor folding door, creating an excellent sense of home space with complete indoor and outdoor connectivity.
客厅 / The Living Room
楼梯 / Staircase
楼梯 / Staircase
楼梯 / Staircase
几何切面的形式构筑楼梯生命力,凌厉洒脱的线条体块与公共空间弧形元素的碰撞,呈现刚柔并济的空间,空间气质绝非单一,它有着多种性格等待探寻与感受。 The form of geometric planes constructs the vitality of stairs, and the collision of sharp and unrestrained line blocks with curved elements in public space presents a space that combines rigidity and softness. The spatial temperament is not singular, and it has multiple personalities waiting to be explored and felt.
楼梯 / Staircase
主卧 / Master Bedroom
主卧 / Master Bedroom
主卧 / Master Bedroom
主卧 / Master Bedroom
多层空间有着它的内在秩序,对空间做层级分划,每层都有明确的功能属性。二楼以睡眠功能为主,将被割裂的碎片化空间重组再划分,功能的有序排列与区域的尺度留白,感受空间雅致中的松弛。氛围光感的内嵌与面的衔接处理,运用的弧形元素亦在延续设计主题,主卧床尾背景以一张卷边的信纸造型垂落而来,在精神世界里洋洋洒洒书写人生的诗篇。 Multi layered space has its inherent order, with hierarchical division of the space, and each layer has clear functional attributes. The second floor is mainly equipped with sleep functions, and the fragmented space will be reorganized and subdivided. The orderly arrangement of functions and the scale of the area will be left blank, feeling the sense of relaxation in the elegant space. The integration of the atmosphere and light sensation, as well as the use of curved elements, continues the design theme. The background at the end of the master bedroom bed is draped in the shape of a rolled letter, filling the spiritual world with poetry of life.
主卧 / Master Bedroom
书房 / Study
书房 / Study
儿童房 / Children's Room
把最简单的元素利用物理关系变成艺术,汇成独特的空间语言。利用原有顶面结构做延伸,斜屋顶以色彩分界加强空间结构的层次与秩序。源自于自然极具生命力的色彩—绿作为男孩房主色,不同明度与纯度的绿加入些许豆沙色做协调,配以体块的构建与功能的连接,空间童趣与质感一并而来。 Transforming the simplest elements into art through physical relationships, merging them into a unique spatial language. Using the original roof structure as an extension, the sloping roof enhances the hierarchy and order of the spatial structure through color boundaries. Originating from the vibrant color of nature - green as the main color of a boy's house, with different shades and purities of green mixed with a hint of bean paste color for coordination, combined with the construction of blocks and functional connections, the space's childlike charm and texture come together.
儿童房 / Children's Room
吧台 / Bar Counter
地下室是开放式的会客场所,一组休闲沙发和水吧台营造轻娱乐氛围,吧台处运用透光水磨石强化场域氛围,不规则的云石颗粒在灯光的照射下呈现的斑斓观感,沉浸式享受每一处空间。 The basement is an open meeting place. A group of leisure sofas and water bars create a light entertainment atmosphere. The bar uses translucent Terrazzo to strengthen the field atmosphere. Irregular marble particles present a beautiful look under the light, and immerse in every space.
吧台 / Bar Counter
健身区 / fitness area
阁楼 / Attic
阁楼建筑梁与楼板的的异形结构自然和谐,本身的架构生成的展厅式空间感极具张力,作为精神世界的留白与空想,用于收纳与收藏的展示;不做过多处理,通过时间用生活慢慢将它填满。 The irregular structure of the beams and floors in the attic building is naturally harmonious, and the exhibition hall style space generated by its own architecture is extremely tense. As a blank and utopian space for the spiritual world, it is used for storage and collection of display space. The space is mainly left blank, and it is gradually filled with time and life.
阁楼 / Attic
阁楼 / Attic
设计机构 / 菲拉设计
Designer Department / FLY DESIGN
项目地址 / 浙江湖州·橡树庄园
Project address / Zhe Jiang · Hu Zhou
户型 / 排屋
Door Model / Townhouse
面积 / 380㎡
Square Meters / 380㎡
项目类型 / 硬装设计,软装宅配
Project type / Hard decoration design, soft decoration house configuration
专业:环境艺术设计抛弃固有思维 寻求一切可能 让设计回归生活