
NOTHING DESIGN工作室--北京一三摄影空间
达人网eric  / 发表于 2023-5-15 15:32:46 |商业公装[严选]  / 摄影婚纱空间
这是一个位于北京五环外一处厂房园区内的摄影基地,以空间美学为基础打造的一个充满艺术感的厂房改造。 整个空间为上下两层,下层进门的空间保留了红砖结构刷白,地面定制了老洋房同款的深木色细长条细地板营造出复古的质感。

This is a space for photography in a factory park outside the fifth ring road in Beijing. Based on the aesthetics of the space to create an artful factory. The space is divided into two levels, with the lower level retaining the red brick structure, painted white, and the flooring adapted with the same dark wood mouldings as the old houses to create a vintage feel.


The base is located in the Beijing 2049 Cultural and Creative Park and the facade echoes the colour of the interior space, with the choice of the facade retaining the original brick structure and architectural form. The walls as a whole are painted in large areas of beige to echo the colour of the interior space, with brown accents to emphasize the primary and secondary relationships and form a clear contrast. Large old decorative windows set off the building and stainless steel metal door signs add sharpness to the facade, which does not have a single elaborate decorative element.

▼外立面,Facade ©立明

▼外立面细部,Facade details ©立明

进门处这里我们设计了一个非常有趣的方块门,颜色上我们选择了和地板接近的深木色,在木质门上选择了很有造型感的方格窗,和空间的方形元素一一对应,在浅色砖感的墙面挂上选择了定制的木质雕塑。入口处放置了四个非常具有设计感的米白色梯田沙发, 也是这个空间的重点,来拍摄的伙伴可以围绕着高低起伏从不同的角度进行拍摄,而不同角度所呈现的空间也无一处相同。

We have designed a very interesting square door at the entrance, with a dark wooden colour close to the floor, and a very stylized square window on the wooden door, which corresponds to the square elements of the space. The four beige terraced sofas placed at the entrance are the focal point of the space, allowing the photographer to shoot from different angles around the highs and lows, and the space is always the same from one angle to the next.

▼入口,Entrance ©立明

▼入口细部,Entrance details ©立明


The overall hard furnishings of the space were chosen to be natural and vintage in style, with the original red bricks being kept and repainted in a light colour. The flooring is custom-made with the same dark wood flooring as the old house to create a natural and rustic feel, and the flowing linen curtains and the original lattice windows are also vintage elements.

▼入口概览,Entrance preview ©立明


Around the sofa area is the connection to the second floor. The staircase is made of stainless steel, which has a certain sense of collision with the overall natural vintage feel, creating a sense of conflict and contrast, a sense of collision that will almost always occur in the space.

▼楼梯,Stairs ©立明

墙面挂画上的银色缎面材质,也是和不锈钢材质的楼梯、家具一一呼应。 希望这种强烈的对比碰撞感可以给在这里拍摄的所有客户留下深刻的印象。

The silver satin material on the wall hangings also echoes the stainless steel staircase and furniture one by one. We hope that this strong sense of contrasting collisions will impress all the clients photographed here.

▼陈设细节,Detail of display ©立明

沙发区域我们设计了一个门洞的造型作为分隔, 门洞的设计看起来像一个画框,在门洞两侧分别放置了两把木质的高背椅,营造出一种对称感和仪式感。

The sofa area is divided by a doorway that looks like a picture frame, with two wooden high-backed chairs on each side of the doorway, creating a sense of symmetry and ritual.

▼沙发区入口,Sofa area entrance ©立明

▼沙发区,Sofa area ©立明

▼沙发区细部,Sofa area details ©立明


The overall colour scheme of the sofa area is dominated by dark brown, warm colours. The walls are chosen in a dark brown colour scheme that favours oriental charm, and the furniture is also very uniform in matching tones, with only simple black and white, wood and stainless steel colours, which will appear to give the space a more tranquil and vintage feel. The screen with Chinese vintage elements and the effect of old silver foil, in addition to echoing the stainless steel elements of the space, is also a new combination of Chinese and modern.

▼家具细节,Details furniture ©立明

从不锈钢楼梯走上二层,可以看到会客厅一样的场地。 与一层呼应的不锈钢元素橱柜、红洞石的岛台和米白色的沙发,整体在一个轴线上进行对称设计,看起来会有比较舒适的感觉,地面选择了黑色的木质地板,墙面重新刷上米色墙漆,形成一个黑白的对比感。

Walking up the stainless steel staircase to the second floor reveals the parlour-like venue. Echoing the ground floor, the stainless steel element cabinets, the red travertine island and the beige sofa, the whole is symmetrically designed on one axis and will look and feel more comfortable. Black wooden flooring was chosen for the floor and the walls were repainted in beige wall paint to create a sense of contrast between black and white.

▼二层空间概览,2F interior preview ©立明

二层的空间非常有特点,从结构上是一个尖顶,并在顶上有多处钢结构的梁,在千篇一律的户型里这种结构是很难得的特点,所以也进行了保留。 并且二层空间有多处窗户,我们把所有窗户都换成了类似于老洋房的格子窗,希望在北京也能有老洋房一般复古又有味道的空间。

The second floor has a very distinctive structure, with a steeple and many steel beams on top. We have replaced all the windows on the second floor with latticed windows similar to those found in old houses, in the hope that we can have a retro and tasteful space like an old house in Beijing.

▼二层空间细节,Details of the second floor ©立明

▼细节,Details ©立明


The island is made of red travertine, which corresponds to the warm elements of the space, such as the red chairs next to the living room on the ground floor and the red travertine sculpture base; the different degrees of warmth will give the space a different artistic feel. At the same time, the travertine material will have the texture of natural stone, which makes it look more natural and more qualitative from afar. The overall black and white color scheme is complemented by the red travertine, which adds a touch of color to the space.

▼吧台区域,Counter area ©立明


In the bedroom scene area, a decorative painting of cloth strips was chosen above the bed. Cloth can bring a soft feeling, while torn strips of cloth will bring a sense of random art. The wooden frame with the fragmented cloth strips may seem chaotic, but it shapes a new order in the chaos, creating a sense of layering in the space. The red travertine above the bed echoes the island table in the parlour. The table lamp is chosen to be more Chinese in style, shaped like a jar and topped with a white shade, also in keeping with the overall primary colour of the space.

▼卧室场景区域,Bedroom scene area ©立明

二层的会客区我们也设计成具有东方韵味的空间。 首先在地毯选择上,挑选了一款带有花鸟元素的暖色系地毯,在搭配不同造型、不同材质的沙发与配饰,一起呈现出一个有趣的组合。

The meeting area on the second floor was also designed to have an oriental flavour. For the carpet, we chose a warm carpet with floral and bird elements, and matched it with different shapes and materials of sofas and accessories to create an interesting combination.

▼二层会客区,2F Lounge ©立明

▼二层会客区细部,2F Lounge details ©立明


The interplay of wood, looped fleece and leather, the collision of oriental and modern, there are many artistic elements in the photographic space of One Three. Here we hope to present a modern vintage feel that leans towards oriental art, while also conveying our understanding of the aesthetics of the space.

▼一层平面图,1F Layout © NOTHING DESIGN工作室

▼二层平面图,2F Layout © NOTHING DESIGN工作室

项目位置:中国 北京


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