
达人网eric  / 发表于 2023-3-25 15:47:53 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师

将一座装饰艺术风格的摩天大楼从办公室改造成住宅的工作已经完成,它成为纽约市最大的适应性再利用建筑。由Ralph Walker设计并于1931年完工的One Wall Street位于曼哈顿下城金融区,目前共有566套住宅。

Work to convert an art deco skyscraper from offices to residential use has completed, becoming the largest building in New York City to undergo this type of adaptive reuse.A total of 566 homes now occupy One Wall Street, designed by Ralph Walker and completed in 1931, in Lower Manhattan's Financial District.

开发商Macklowe Properties的Harry Macklowe是这一改造的幕后推手,它包括100万平方英尺,即92900平方米的住宅和25万平方英尺,即23200平方米的商业设施。

Developer Harry Macklowe of Macklowe Properties is behind the transformation, which encompasses one million square feet (92,900 square metres) of residential and 250,000 square feet (23,200 square metres) of commercial amenities.

该公寓由法国加州的Guillaume Coutheillas设计。目标是将空旷的空间化身为深思熟虑的重新设计的住宅,这些住宅经得起时间的考验,并继续满足未来现代生活的需求。建筑物的开放标志着由FrenchCalifornia公司的Guillaume Coutheillas设计的新样板房的揭幕。

The apartment was designed by Guillaume Coutheillas of FrenchCalifornia.The goal was to incarnate empty spaces into thoughtfully redesigned residences that will stand the test of time and continue to answer future demands of modern living.The building's opening was marked by the reveal of a new model residence, designed by Guillaume Coutheillas of FrenchCalifornia.


Residence 3404, one of the building's largest, includes three bedrooms and multi-aspect views of New York harbour.Coutheillas envisioned the interiors as if Macklowe himself were to live there, blending European influences using warm neutral colours.Many of the furniture and decor items were sourced from Mexico City studio Atra and are debuting in the space.More amenity spaces cover the 38th and 39th floors, including a 75-foot (23-metre), glass-enclosed Sky Pool with a wraparound terrace, and a private restaurant, bar and dining room for residents.


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