Herima 取名源自希腊文,亦出现在莎士比亚的著作仲夏夜之梦中,故事的主角是一名年轻美丽而有活力的女士。 Herima 是一家位于铜锣湾的医学美容中心,将庄严的专业形象与轻松柔和的环境相结合,摆脱了顾客对医学场所固有的形象,我们注重于顾客在空间中的体验,流畅的曲线贯穿了整个空间,展现了女性的形态,雕塑感的家具与绿植在沙色色调与光影的交互下,充满诗意,不经意带来治愈心灵的功能。
Hermia - a medical beauty centre in Hong Kong - takes its name from a fictional character in Shakespeare’s play, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, to encapsulate the brand’s young, courageous, and energetic voice. With their latest branch in Causeway Bay, we sought to continue the classical and theatrical theme of both the brand and location, by applying a medley of sweeping arches, contoured ceilings, sculptural furnishings, and sandy hues that run through the space, swathing the interiors with a soothing, protective, and healing atmosphere.
The venue is divided into three functional zones - the reception / waiting area, consultation, and treatment zones - each enveloped by a series of hexagonal windows retained as one of the site’s original features. The reception / waiting area was imagined as a transitional place, where we leveraged the scale and form of these windows, in conjunction with the abundance of natural light streaming in through the sheer curtains, to enhance the interior’s meditative sensibility.
Taking a cue from the origins of the brand’s name, we looked to the Doric Column of the Greek Order the decorate the turning points of each passage. The ceiling was carved downwards to engulf the top section of the walls, controlling the way in which artificial light diffuses throughout the space. This interplay in geometry, textures, and volume allows for a choreography of light and shadow to unfold throughout the day.
The reception/waiting area was imagined as a transitional place, where we leveraged the scale and form of the pre-existing hexagonal windows, in conjunction with the abundance of natural light streaming in through the sheer curtains, to enhance the interior’s meditative sensibility.
柔和的调色版使用了 St Leo 的米黄色油漆,以特别的粉刷方式创造出乱纹,在光线的照射下突显出立体的纹理感。室内的转角墙身我们模仿了古希腊的多立克柱式,上方灯漕位置修饰成倒梯形的弧形灯罩,表面平滑朴素,展现出两个不同的层面,在天花中能分散 LED 光线及日光,重叠交错的阴影随着光线变换而改变,编写出故事的氛围感。在色彩的配搭上,使用了红色、黄色、米黄色的色调,灵感来自于名字的由来 - 一出浪漫喜剧,定制的家具亦同时提升了空间的格调,令顾客在进行疗程或等候时亦可置身于趣味的故事感中,倍感放松。
Inspired by the romantic comedy itself, the interiors are dressed in an autumnal palette of reds, yellows, and browns. The walls are finished with a beige-toned paint from St Leo using a stucco technique to add depth and texture to the walls when natural light shines through. The entrance is marked by a glass door and to its left, you will find the doctor’s consultation area. Here, a more solemn and stern palette is carried, featuring dark wooden floors and metal furnishings to shape a more professional, medical image. As an integral part of the healing experience, we also custom-designed a number of furniture, storage units, and accessories for the centre, offering visitors a truly sensuous experience to rejuvenate.
Taking a cue from the origins of the brand’s name, we looked to the Doric Column of the Greek Order the decorate the turning points of each passage. The ceiling was carved downwards to engulf the top section of the walls, controlling the way in which artificial light diffuses throughout the space.
在天花中展现出两个不同的层面分散LED 光线及日光,重叠交错的阴影随着光线变换而改变,编写出故事的氛围感。
An interplay in geometry, textures, and volume allows for a choreography of light and shadow to unfold throughout the day.
在左边的玻璃门后,可到达医生咨询区连会客区,空间以深色木地板、冷色调的简约家具,与外面的环境有强烈对比,塑造医生的专业形象 。
The entrance is marked by a glass door and to its left, you will find the doctor’s consultation area. Here, a more solemn and stern palette is carried, featuring dark wooden floors and metal furnishings to shape a more professional, medical image
Inspired by the romantic comedy itself, the interiors are dressed in an autumnal palette of reds, yellows, and browns. The walls are finished with a beige-toned paint from St Leo using a stucco technique to add depth and texture to the walls when natural light shines through.