
100A Associates--自由的颂歌
达人网eric  / 发表于 2023-2-10 17:23:14 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师

总部位于韩国首尔的100A Associates,是一家屡获殊荣的建筑事务所,曾在多个国家的媒体上发表过自己的作品。该工作室由经验丰富的年轻设计师An Kwang-II和Park Sol-Ha共同主持,其设计风格和审美取向更具有现代性和前瞻性。
Based in Seoul, Korea, 100A Associates is an award-winning architectural practice that has published its work in the media in several countries. Co-chaired by experienced young designers An Kwang-II and Park Sol-Ha, the studio's design style and aesthetic orientation is more modern and forward-looking.

“100A Associates”中的“100A”对他们来说有着深刻的含义,即“数字100、百、白”在韩语中都读作“Baek”,所以“100”有着”百“和”白“的寓意,二者结合起来共同表达了“回归原点”或“空间的纯粹”,象征着宇宙的基本逻辑,这也成为了对空间和人类生活中发生的一切现象的思想和观念的解释。
"100A" in "100A Associates" has a profound meaning for them, that is, the numbers 100, Bai and bai are all pronounced as "Baek" in Korean, so "100" has the meaning of "Bai" and "Bai", which together express "return to the origin" or "purity of space". Symbolizing the basic logic of the universe, this has also become the explanation of the thoughts and concepts of space and all the phenomena that occur in human life.

In the ancient concept of Korea, this means "all or all," so it represents a view of the universe. "Baek" originally meant "nothingness," so the "A" in "100A" represents the studio's knowledge of these symbols and the answers it has solved. In essence, "100A" defines their views and attitudes toward aesthetics, and also represents their insight into the fundamental principles of the macro universe.

An Kwang-II,2016年毕业于国民大学设计研究生院室内设计专业,2020年1月开始担任韩国室内设计研究院(KOSID)的主任。而Park Sol-Ha,则2016年毕业于汉生大学的美术系。
An Kwang-II, who graduated from the Graduate School of Design at Kookmin University majoring in interior Design in 2016, has been the director of the Korea Institute of Interior Design (KOSID) since January 2020. Park Sol-Ha graduated from the Department of Fine Arts at Hanson University in 2016.


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