
Colin King--静止的力量
达人设计  / 发表于 2023-2-6 16:28:45 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




作为世界顶级品牌或出版物首选合作的造型师Colin King,以他自己的方式重新定义了当代美国的设计风格。随着Colin King工作室的成立,标志着他正式进入室内设计的行业,如今又开始涉及产品设计,不同领域的设计实践引领着他走向更广阔的天地,从始至终地表达着“一位舞蹈家对静止力量的理解”。

Colin King, the stylist of choice for the world's top brands or publications, has redefined contemporary American design style in his own way. With the establishment of Colin King's studio, he officially entered the industry of interior design, and now he is involved in product design. Design practices in different fields lead him to a broader world, expressing "a dancer's understanding of static force" from beginning to end.

Colin King最初在纽约学习舞蹈,后来因其对创意艺术的热爱进而转入室内设计领域。之后,在为设计公司工作期间,负责项目中主要的内容创作和艺术指导。

Colin King first studied dance in New York City and then moved into interior design due to his love of creative arts. Later, while working for a design company, I was responsible for the main content creation and art direction of projects.


He has always been full of curiosity about everything, efficient execution and ability to capture the essence of things, as well as identify the strength of objects and their nuances. This experience broadened his understanding of visual narrative, thus transforming the forgotten things of everyday life into objects worthy of constant attention.

Colin King一直是许多出版刊物的定期特约造型师,除此之外,还开发了自己的知名产品系列,他最近也被任命为摩洛哥Beni Rugs公司的艺术总监。Colin King作为室内造型师,设计了位于斯堪的纳维亚的商店MENU,目前还有更多的项目、产品正在进行中。

Colin King has been a regular contributing stylist for a number of publications, in addition to developing his own well-known product line, and he has also recently been appointed artistic director of the Moroccan company Beni Rugs. Colin King, the interior stylist who designed MENU, a Scandinavian store, has more projects and products on the way.

如今,他仍在拓展工作室的创意指导、产品开发和概念设计的实践范围,在整个不同领域表达他的标志性美学体系。2023年3月,Colin King将出版发行一本新书,其中包括与Sam Cochran一起撰写的一系列轶事和关于美学主题的文章,分享他的个人经历和如何提升对空间的直觉感受。

Today, he continues to expand the studio's creative direction, product development, and conceptual design practices to express his signature aesthetic across a diverse range of disciplines. In March 2023, Colin King will release a new book that includes a series of anecdotes and articles on aesthetic topics with Sam Cochran, sharing his personal experiences and how to improve his intuitive sense of space.


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