
Workshop APD--生活之美
达人设计  / 发表于 2023-2-6 16:22:21 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Workshop APD,美国知名的室内设计工作室,由设计师Matt Berman和Andrew Kotchen联合成立于1999年,主要从事豪华住宅和高端商业项目的设计与研发。他们从不受限于项目类型或单一的审美取向,提供具有原创性、创新方式和智能优化的解决方案,并将可持续性的理念融入其符合业主期望、诗意营造和久经岁月的标志性设计符号之中。

Workshop APD was founded in 1999 by Matt Berman and Andrew Kotchen to design and develop luxury residential and high-end commercial projects. Never limited by project type or single aesthetic orientation, they provide original, innovative and intelligent solutions that integrate the concept of sustainability into their iconic design symbols that are consistent with the expectations of the owners, poetic and timeless.

这间位于纽约中央公园西侧的现代风格复式公寓,其室内经由Workshop APD的设计变得生动、有趣,从功能上而言,满足业主夫妇和有着三个青少年的日常家庭生活需求,同时营造出契合当代审美的空间情境。

The interior of this modern duplex apartment on New York's Central Park West was made alive and interesting by Workshop APD, which functionally meets the needs of the owner, his wife and three teenagers in their daily family life, while creating a spatial context that fits the contemporary aesthetic.

Workshop APD的设计巧思有利于框住户外城市公园的自然美景,并与之相连,而公共和私人空间则围绕着一个透光的石英石立方体构造而展开。工作室除了在住宅中追求精致的细节外,还采用了奢贵的材料、柔和的色调和大胆的艺术收藏品共同构建了独属的、定制化的私人空间。

Workshop APD's ingenious design helps frame and connect to the natural beauty of the urban park outside the home, while the public and private Spaces are structured around a light-permeable quartzite cube. In addition to pursuing exquisite details in the residence, the studio uses luxurious materials, pastel colors and bold art collections to create an exclusive, customized private space.


Among them, the digital staircase with avant-garde consciousness makes the internal space full of scientific and technological elements and modern sense, the ornamental design of the miniature landscape makes the beauty of the park in the house, the four seasons in the space to play a key role in enriching the level of space and embellishment, and the digital ceiling in the dressing room all leave a deep impression.


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