
Francesc Rifé--场所的叙事性
达人设计  / 发表于 2023-1-30 23:47:12 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




“不存在一成不变的既定概念,设计必须适应场地的现状。”——Francesc Rifé
"No concept is definitive and spaces must adapt to what we are."--Francesc Rifé


日前,Francesc Rifé工作室改造了位于西班牙莱里达的一座12世纪的城堡式住宅。根据客户的需求,工作室将其翻新改造成为一个能够举办活动的私人性场所,同时这也将作为客户开启度假的主要生活之地。

Francesc Rife studio transforms a property in Lerida, Spain, a 12th-century castle. In response to the client's request, the studio renovated and transformed it into a private space for events, as well as a main living area for the client to start their vacation.


In order to enhance the narrative of the site and make it a dynamic and modern place, the new design concept focuses on transforming different outdoor areas into Spaces with multiple possibilities. Taking advantage of the site on the plain below the castle, a new stepped open area is enclosed between fences and concrete made from old rafts; A concrete stand was then built at the foot of the hill to encourage residents to go outside and experience nature.

上下楼层之间通过黑色钢板楼梯连接,金属光泽的痕迹有着其特殊性,同时可作为雨天排水的解决方案。在功能上,它也连接着一个旧仓库,即是现在的Raimat LAB会议室。由玻璃立面框住的景色,从内部看出去,宁静的山色,犹如欣赏一幅动态的山水画。

The upper and lower floors are connected by a black steel staircase, which has its special metallic traces and serves as a solution for drainage in rainy days. Functionally, it is also connected to an old warehouse that is now the Raimat LAB meeting room. Framed by a glass facade, the view from the interior, with its tranquil mountain landscape, is like appreciating a landscape painting in motion.


HABITUAL餐厅位于西班牙瓦伦西亚,由主厨Ricard Camarena于2015年创办。在原始结构的基础上,Ricard Camarena试图重新诠释该餐厅的历史。因为,HABITUAL自创办以来,一直是一个不断发展且充满活力的品牌,此次希望设计师打造一种全新的空间姿态。

HABITUAL is located in Valencia, Spain, and was founded by chef Ricard Camarena in 2015. Based on the original structure, Ricard Camarena wanted to recount the restaurant's history. For HABITUAL, which has been a growing and vibrant brand since its inception, wanted the designers to create a new space posture.


In order to highlight the fresh energy of the restaurant, the studio chose the elegant green as the main color to define the tone of Ricard's dishes. At the same time, soft cushion sound-absorbing board is used in the soft fabric to ensure the sound insulation effect; Some of the walls and ceilings have been fitted with painted lamps of the same colour to hide visible lighting. Two vertical gardens at either end of the room add to the drama of the space, and the light casts a mysterious shadow effect on the textiles.


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