
Pedra Silva Arquitectos--悬崖之上
达人设计  / 发表于 2023-1-19 02:04:43 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Pedra Silva Arquitectos是一家位于葡萄牙里斯本的建筑工作室,由多位经验丰富的设计师组成。他们认为,在解决建筑问题的过程中适当的创新意识是为了确保他们能够更精准地提出合适的解决方案,事务所的这种主张建立了属于他们自己的独特设计风格与理念,旨在以最好的方式体现他们建造的目的。

Pedra Silva Arquitectos is an architecture studio based in Lisbon, Portugal, staffed by a team of experienced designers. They believe that putting a little creativity into the process of solving architectural problems is to ensure that they can ask the questions accurately and explore the right answers. In this spirit, the firm created their own unique design style and philosophy, aiming to respond in the best way to the purpose of their construction.

Aethos Ericeira位于葡萄牙的西海岸,坐落在高峭的砂岩悬崖上,是一家拥有50间客房的酒店,拥有着绝佳的观海视野。经过Pedra Silva Arquitectos和西班牙设计工作室Astet的合作设计,从而成为了冲浪者们下榻的首选之地。

Aethos Ericeira is a 50-room hotel on the west coast of Portugal, perched on a high sandstone cliff with the best views of the sea. Designed in collaboration with Pedra Silva Arquitectos and Spanish design studio Astet, the end result is an entertaining destination for surfers.

Pedra Silva Arquitectos主要参与了建筑设计部分,他们重新调整了外立面,而Astet则规划了空间流线并设计了室内空间,呈现独特的视觉美学。他们的构思都以酒店所处的环境为灵感切入,将自然景观与冲浪文化的元素结合,充分挖掘了其位于高处的景观优势。

Pedra Silva Arquitectos' work focused on the architecture, redesigning the exterior walls, while Astet replanned the spatial flow and designed the interior, enhancing the visual aesthetic. Both designs draw on the hotel's setting, combining elements of the rural landscape with surf culture while also taking advantage of its vantage point.

开阔的窗户、简单的家具和朴素的色调创造了让人感到放松并与自然环境有着密切联系的空间。而朝向室外的拱形窗户是大堂的一个主要形体特征,这背后体现了Aethos Ericeira通过“以健康为核心的空间体验来释放旅客的心情”的内在精神。

Spacious Windows, simple furniture and plain colors create Spaces that feel relaxed and connected to the natural environment. Arched Windows are a key feature of the lobby. Behind this is the spirit of Aethos Ericeira by providing "health-focused Spaces and experiences that promote the mindset of guests."

Aethos Ericeira配置了一个餐厅,一个健身房,一个温水游泳池,一个冥想和瑜伽平台,以及一个配置了土耳其浴室、热水浴和治疗室的水疗中心。景观环境有助于在这些空间之间创造灵活的视觉流动,并与通往海滩的路径巧妙的相连接。

Aethos Ericeira is equipped with a restaurant, a gym, a heated swimming pool, a meditation and yoga platform, and a spa with Turkish baths, hot baths and treatment rooms. The landscape engineering helps to create an easy flow between these Spaces and connects with the path to the beach.


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