
Design by 83--自由精神
达人设计  / 发表于 2023-1-18 23:57:49 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Design By 83是一家位于韩国的室内设计工作室,他们认为空间的最终目的是为了“更好地使用空间”,所以设计必须根据不同客户的客观需求进行,同时赋予了设计师本人独特的设计风格。作为设计前提,要充分理解空间所具有的特性,并通过分析和明确的概念塑造空间,为使用者创造一个便利和幸福的空间。

Design By 83 is an interior design studio based in South Korea. They believe that the ultimate purpose of space is to "make better use of space", so the design must be carried out according to the objective needs of different clients, while giving the designer his own unique design style. As a design premise, it is necessary to fully understand the characteristics of the space, and to shape the space through analysis and clear concept, to create a convenient and happy space for the users.

Hotel TT

“Hotel TT”是一家精品酒店,其设计灵感来自于酒店的一楼所呈现的空间感和所有楼层所拥有的景观视野,于此可以俯瞰被山川和与大海包围的Nakdonggang自然生态公园。Design By 83的设计概念是“一个人们可以欣赏这个地区文化的空间”,建筑外部使用了现代的功能性材料,而在内部使用了可以直接被感知到的场地元素材料。

'Hotel TT' is a boutique hotel inspired by the sense of space on the first floor of the hotel and the views of all floors overlooking the Nakdonggang Natural Ecological Park, which is surrounded by mountains and the sea. The concept of Design By 83 is "a space where people can appreciate the culture of the area". The exterior of the building uses modern functional materials while the interior uses elements of the site that can be directly perceived.

Or Whatever Café

Or Whatever是一家提供早午餐和咖啡的咖啡店,客户把Or Whatever解释为“不以任何定性的方式来表达自己,同时又能体现出自由的精神”。Design By 83根据空间中的中心柱重新划分了员工动线和顾客动线,同时减少工程的建造成本。

A coffee shop that serves brunch and coffee, Or Whatever is explained by clients as "expressing yourself without any qualitative way, while still reflecting the spirit of freedom." The Design By 83 reclassifies the employee and customer lines according to the central column in the space, while reducing the construction cost of the project.



"SPACE1" is a cafe located in South Korea. The simple and concise colors make the whole space spacious, bright and transparent. The artistic decorations in different areas play the role of enriching the space level and embellishment in the cafe.

SSAP Coffee

这是一家提供糕点和咖啡的餐饮店,客户希望Design By 83设计一个具有复古和时尚气质,并能够与一个传达场地历史和展示其原始面貌的共存空间。与传统的空间形象不同,工作室提出了可持续性的设计概念,在拆除内部空间的过程中,几乎所有的原始结构和元素都被保留了下来,同时植入符合当下审美的文化元素。

A food and beverage outlet serving pastries and coffee, the client wanted to Design By 83 a space that had a retro and stylish temperament and could coexist with a space that conveyed the history of the site and showcased its original look. In contrast to the traditional image of the space, the studio proposed a sustainable design concept. In the process of demolishing the interior space, almost all the original structure and elements were retained, while inserting cultural elements that fit the current aesthetic.


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