
JANG Studio--北京ANCHORET 6.0买手店
达人网eric  / 发表于 2022-12-13 17:02:40 |商业公装[严选]  / 店铺零售商店
ANCHORET于2012年成立。在一片高厦丛林中,它选择隐于老北京城的胡同之中,一如其名。“anchoret” 意为 “隐士”,严格遵循戒律之人。ANCHORET 以打造具备新意与质感的空间为使命,邀请顾客进入一方暂且归隐的天地。

ANCHORET was founded in 2012, it chose to hide in the hutong of the old Beijing city from a jungle of high-rise buildings, just like its name. “Anchoret” means “hermit”, a person who strictly follows the precepts. ANCHORET takes it as its mission to create a space with new ideas and textures, and invites visitors to enter a world of temporary retreat.

▼店铺外观,the exterior ©刘思言

自始以来,ANCHORET 历经几次搬迁 —— 从僻静到繁华,再从喧嚷到幽寂 —— 它并未摒弃自己的初衷。纵使身处北京堪称最为熙攘的地段三里屯,它仍尽力与尘嚣隔绝,营造一处避世之所在。在这里,你可以找到店主从全球各地搜寻而来的好物:或许是一双手工缝制的皮鞋,或者是一件先锋工匠精制的大衣,又或是出自新锐设计师之手的服装。在这里探索物件自身携带的设计,以及设计之外的故事和概念。如今,我们迎来与 ANCHORET 合作的第 9 个年头。时光荏苒,潮流往复,ANCHORET 也拥有了自己的 “6.0 版本”,并将原本设立于三里屯那里花园的 I.O. 子店纳为一体。它是新旧融合的载体:你依然能在此处发现它的精神,亦即我们的合作宗旨:大隐隐于闹市,为本来繁杂的生活开辟出一道闲静的罅隙。

Since the beginning, ANCHORET has gone through several relocations – from secluded to bustling, and then from noisy to quiet – it has not abandoned its original intention. Even though it is located at Sanlitun; the most bustling area in Beijing, it insists to isolate itself from the hustle and bustle and create a place to hide from the world. Here, you can find goods that the owner has handpicked from all over the world: maybe a pair of handcrafted leather shoes, or artisanal distressed coat, or a piece of refined garment from an emerging designer. In here, customer can explore the design carried by the object itself, as well as the stories and concepts behind. The 9th year of collaborating with ANCHORET. As time goes by and trends come and go, ANCHORET is welcoming its “Version 6.0” and integrates the I.O. sub-store which originally established in Nali Patio, Sanlitun. ANCHORET 6.0 is the carrier of fusion of old and new; you would find the retained spirit, which is the goal of our project: being isolated, and escape for a peaceful moment out of the bustling world.

▼店铺入口空间,the entrance ©刘思言


对了解 ANCHORET 的群体而言,过往的空间设计是自由的和不受拘束的。斑驳的水泥墙面、老旧的木质工作台、纸浆制成的灯罩、黄铜质地的衣架等细节与店内陈列的选品相呼应。从廊柱到墙体立面,粗野主义的美学贯穿整体,强调使用痕迹的基调游荡其间。

For those who are familiar with ANCHORET, the design ideas from the previous spaces had been unfettered. Details such as mottled cement walls, old wooden workbenches, lampshades made of pulp, and brass hangers, which echoes the selection of merchandise displayed in the space. From the colonnade to the facade of the wall, the aesthetics of brutalism runs through the whole, those emphasizing the traces of use wanders in it.

▼由内部主空间看向接待区,a view from the main display space to the recption area ©Jang Studio

以过往 ANCHORET 店铺室内空间设计的美学为基调,我们将以下几点定为此次 ANCHORET 6.0 的设计理念:
· 隐蔽性
· 新旧融合的载体
· 建立独特的空间探索动线
· 明暗空间的平衡
· 通过天井与室外的连接增加空间的延展性
· 新元素安置的随机性
· 保留空间的灵活性

Based on the aesthetics of previous ANCHORET store interior design, we set the following principles as the design concept of ANCHORET 6.0:
· Privacy, being isolated
· Carrier of fusion of old and new
· Building an unique exploration path
· Balance between dark and bright
· Connect to external world through the skylights
· Input new elements randomly
· Flexibility of the space usage

▼由店内看向接待台,a view from the interior to the counter ©刘思言


此次 ANCHORET 空间改造计划以两个独立商铺为原型:较大的一边为水泥平顶,原是一家带有天窗的健身工作室;另一边的坡度屋顶则是老式木质结构,横窄纵深,原为一家带有二层的老面馆。计划开始之初,我们就觉察到这两个空间的不同特色在某种程度上可以为新的 ANCHORET 规划出顾客的动线:由老旧、神秘的 “传统面馆” 穿越到现代、亮堂的 “健身房”。这种动线也契合了 ANCHORET 如今的理念 —— 秉承低调、退隐的同时,不拒绝开放、入世的可能性。

▼空间生成,spatial configuration ©Jang Studio

From the original spaces transformed and merged into one 250m2 space, which is based on two separated shops: the larger shop has a cement flat roof and skylight, which was originally a fitness studio; the slope roof on the other side with a historical wooden structure, which was an old noodle shop with two floors. At the very beginning of the project, we founded that the different characteristics of these two spaces are great elements for us to build an unique exploration path for the customers: from the traditional noodle shop to the modern fitness studio; the definition of fusion of old and new. This path also fits into ANCHORET’s philosophy: retains modest, and being isolated, yet being opened to new possibilities.

▼接待台及其上方的原始建筑结构,the counter and the original structure above it ©刘思言



The customers’ exploration path of the retail store are often the key elements of the space design concept. The final design layout responded various of questions during the creative thinking process from the team: How to create a remarkable experience for the visitors? How to build an open, free-flow circular path? How to achieve a well-balanced lighting arrangement for different zones?

▼入口区的展示空间,display area at the entrance space ©Jang Studio

因此,我们决定完全封闭街道一侧的外立面,让顾客由位于 “健身房” 外侧的门廊进入 “老面馆” 的内部空间。来者甫一进入 I.O. 的区域,会看到高耸且裸露着的木质屋顶和原本保留的老地砖地面。

As a result, we decided to seal the front façade completely, which leads the visitors enter through cubical channel located in the fitness studio to the noodle shop. Upon entering, visitors will first reach the I.O., which is covered by the high, exposed wooden roof with retained old stone tiled flooring.

▼与旧建筑结构结合的展示空间,a display area combine with the old building’s structure ©Jang Studio

两个装有满满饰品的木制货柜,是 3 年前我们为已经拆除的 I.O. 精品店设计的,现已搬至此处。

Two sets of wooden cabinet displays have been relocated in this zone, which we designed three years ago for the demolished I.O. boutique.

▼木质展示柜近景,close shot of the wooden display shelf ©Jang Studio

▼木质展示柜近景,close shot of the wooden display shelf ©Jang Studio

在该空间的中心区域,我们设立了一处在水平线上稍有倾斜的环抱中庭作为收银处与接待处。事实上,这个斜置的区域还能将顾客引至店铺的第二个区域 —— 带有中央天井的混凝土 “地堡”。由此,顾客会瞬间体验到一种开阔感。柔和的灯光下,几处陈列随性地点缀着这片 “开阔” 的区域。

In the center of I.O., we placed cashier and reception area embraced by pavilion-like, wooden structure, with reclaimed teak wood flooring. It acts as a role of a leading path to the second part of the store – a concrete “bunker” with a central patio. As a result, visitors experience an instant sight of openness from that zone. Random displays and the soft lighting became the highlights of this open zone.

▼接待台,the reception counter ©刘思言

人们还将在这里看到耸立的多层板塔状展示台、可移动的鞋架、低矮的立方体木柜(可被拼接、组装)以及 Dieter Rams 的复古沙发和半透明的更衣室。此外,通过自由流动的环形路径,顾客可以在原始纹理的墙壁、天花板和地板下的每个区域探索不同的商品。

Here, one will also find towering plywood display shelves, customized movable shoe racks, and cube plywood low cabinets, which could be reassembled into a longer table top for display use, as well as the vintage Dieter Rams sofa and translucent dressing rooms. Also, through the free-flow circular path, visitors can explore different merchandises at each zone under the monochromatic, original textured walls, ceiling and flooring.

▼内部主空间,the main display space ©Jang Studio

▼试衣区,dressing area ©Jang Studio


For the convenience, we have created a hidden path connected between the reception, technical room, bathroom, office room and inventory storage for the store staffs, which are invisible to the visitors.

▼由试衣区看向衣物展示区,a view from the dressing area to the display area ©Jang Studio

▼鞋子展示区,shoes display area ©Jang Studio

▼试衣间及木质展示架近景,close shot of the dressing room and the wooden display shelf ©Jang Studio


建筑用料上,我们一方面将 ANCHORET 偏好的材料和空间原本保留的材质相结合 —— 红砖、旧木混凝土和水泥;另一方面,我们在保留这些材质原貌的同时,将其与更整洁的自然材料形成对比:染色的胶合木板、柚木、条纹玻璃、穿孔刨花板、老石材地砖、涂层钢和微水泥。

About the materials used, we combined ANCHORET’s preferences mixed with the remained materials from the space – red bricks, old wood, concrete and cement finishes; meanwhile, we have preserved these materials in nearly untouched way while contrasting them with neater yet natural materials: stained plywood, teak wood, corrugated glass, perforated chipboard, old stone floor tiles, coated steel and micro-cement.

▼与旧建筑结构相结合的展示空间,new display areas integrated with the old building structure ©Jang Studio

坐落在三里屯幸福三村五巷的 ANCHORET 6.0 现已开放,期待您从闹市的喧嚣中脱身片刻,到访这处归于宁静之地。

Located in Sanlitun Xingusancun Wuxiang, ANCHORET 6.0 is now opened, looking forward to welcome you to a place of tranquility, away from the city’s hustle for a moment.

▼改造前后平面图,plans before and after renovation  ©Jang Studio

项目名称:ANCHORET 6.0
设计方:JANG studio
设计团队:建筑师Filip Galuszka & 宋资, 屈纬嵘
合作方:NOVO interiors


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