The core of this design is inspired by nature, narrating the theme of “snow” and “a sustainable future”, and striving to shape BURTON Chengdu flagship store into a carrier of “One city-Two world”. The design shall meet both retail need and space itself, meanwhile strengthening the visitors’ shopping experience and unique memory therefore establish a stronger relationship between the brand and customers, and pass the BURTON’ s brand spirit: passion and sustainability.
▼项目概览,Overview ©聿空间
The Facade-Environmental Protection and Recycling
▼轴测图,Axonometric ©SA&BOO Studio
The streetside entrance is designed as an eye-catching point. Elements of snowboarding are translated into materials and imagery for the viewers to read. BURTON’ s brand message “PEOPLE, PLANET, SPORTS” is conveyed through the texture.Snowboarding gradually becomes popular while also causing environmental issues. In this case, uses of wasted construction materials from the last merchant and damaged gears supplied by BURTON. By decomposing, mixing and reusing, eventually turn out to be the façade. Meanwhile our team is committed to building a unique brand memory and landmark building in Chengdu.
▼项目外立面,Facade ©聿空间
▼立面细节,Detailed view of the facade ©聿空间
As what Charles Eames said, “Design is a plan for arranging elements in such a way as best to accomplish a particular purpose. “After studying BURTON’ s history, team chooses burnt wood, snow, metal as visual elements to express the the heritage and development.
▼空间内景,Arrangement of the interior ©聿空间
中心是以BURTON品牌创始者也是单板滑雪运动的领军推广人Jake Burton最初制作雪板的工坊为原型,打造的community社群活动区域,其功能为可供滑雪爱好者们交流与开展活动,同时作为品牌pop up的灵活区域。设计团队通过结合中国传统榫卯结构与钢铁森林的现代建筑元素,隐喻着品牌的传承与发展,而金属与木,也恰好是雪板的制作主材。整个室内空间围绕此精神之源展开,复古怀旧的美式森林小屋即视感与周遭的氛围形成视觉冲突,吸引人去了解品牌背后的故事。团队插画师chuan 为BURTON Community进行了一系列创作,将品牌历史与冰雪运动潮流进行了更具有趣味性的视觉传达,为空间增加了艺术氛围。
Since Jake Burton, the founder of BURTON and the promoter of snowboarding, made snowboards in his workshop, team recreates his workshop by combining Chinese traditional mortise-tenon structure with modern industrial material. Wood and metal build the skeleton of workshop, implying interactions between nature and industry, tradition and innovation, as well as past and future. These materials turn to present visual conflict while also strengthening visitors’ unique memory and fulfill their shopping experience. Illustration artist Chuan creates a set of comics-like illustration to translate snowboarding sports itself and the brand history behind, which enhance the artistic value of the whole space.
▼以创始人最初制作雪板的工坊为原型打造的中心区域,The team recreates the founder’s workshop at the centre area by combining Chinese traditional mortise-tenon structure with modern industrial material ©聿空间
▼室内空间遍布各式中国传统榫卯结构组成的物件与现代金属元素,The interior space combines traditional Chinese mortise and tenon structure with modern architectural elements ©聿空间
Space-Immersive Shopping Experience
室内顶部环型灯带轨道仿照雪场缆车轨道,呼应设计动线,圆润弧度平衡材质硬度,空间在此刻转为流体。道具方面,采用灵活装配的结构,贴合零售对于商品陈列与季度更迭的变换需求,材质选用拉丝金属结合磨砂亚克力,再次呼应冰雪主题。品牌专属色JAKE blue蓝作为点缀,在道具、软装、配饰上进行再次品牌dna强化。
Circular track lighting, symbolizing cable car track, also directed to our traffic flow. As to props, various volume of metal is utilized to match with BURTON’ s brand color: Jake Blue, which is arranged to highlight brand identity. In IN99 we set mannequins to give customers immersive feelings, while enhancing traffic flow by providing a insgrammable spot where lights and cameras are settled for more interactions.
▼环型灯带轨道与金属构件,Circular track lighting and metal member ©聿空间
▼拉丝金属构成的陈列柜及座椅区,Display cases and seats made of brushed metal ©聿空间
In IN99 we set mannequins to give customers immersive feelings, while enhancing traffic line by providing a photo spot where lights and cameras are settled for more interactions between space and visitors.
▼入口的3d打印人物“minjin”,The 3D-printed character “minjin” at the entrance ©聿空间
It is people’s love and passion for snowboarding bring their footsteps to nature, and finally return to the topic of nature and people themselves. We hope to shape BURTON IN99 into a place in which nature is translated, space is fluid, and people are relaxed.
▼拉丝金属与亚克力构成的展示架,Brushed metal and acrylic made display rack ©聿空间
▼金属构件细节,Detailed view of the metal member ©聿空间
▼平面图,Plan ©SA&BOO Studio
▼剖面图,Section ©SA&BOO Studio
设计方:SA&BOO Studio
设计团队:Bonnile Liao, Lisa Liu
摄影版权 :聿空间