它代表着忠于内心的坚持,激情开创的行动,永不妥协的信念。 它是不羁灵魂的最佳诠释,更是敢于付诸行动的激情嘉奖。 自由的灵魂永远在路上。 - ROCK&RIDE
Rock&Ride Guangzhou Taikoo Concept Store, with the concept of "equipment store", tries to map the brand concept: "free soul equipment" at the same time, loyal to the original texture and quality of the product itself.
空 间 Space
Space: Space is designed in the equipment warehouse. It tries to translate the simple "buying" behavior into the process of "selecting equipment" for the brave who pursue freedom by taking the store as the carrier, so as to make the consumption experience full of ritual sense.
The left and right walls of the space adopt the contrast of abstraction and representativeness: the left side has a large area of white space, and only the brand totem is displayed in the form of window. The right side is equipped with a detailed equipment wall, which combines the products displayed in it to embody the delicacy and tension of the products.
02 材 质 Materials
Material: A large number of thick, simple and handmade materials are used as the base in the space to spread out a highly industrial atmosphere. The stainless steel elements with the silver metal texture of the product are embellished to form a balance with the industrial sense, and the exquisite sense of the product itself is reflected in the store. The red pipes that weave through the space and the giant cement columns that remain in the original site are a re-expression of passion and Bohemia.
03 视觉元素 Visual Elements
Visual elements: Rock&Ride products have the characteristics of cross-culture and multi-fashion, so different visual intentions are used in the space design to metaphorically illustrate this richness. The saucer-shaped rings hanging above the booth and the masks displayed in the window reflect the color of mysticism.
Brand exclusive custom booth table with carefully selected old solid wood, each piece of wood texture is different, pure natural material expression matches the product to the mysterious power of nature tribute. The sand-colored I-beams floating in the ceiling let the space have a bit of retro meaning. The appearance of red water pipes and delicate stainless steel wavy panels undoubtedly breaks the overall fortitude and brings elegance and beauty.
项目名称丨ROCK&RIDE广州太古汇店空间设计 项目地点丨中国·广州 项目业主丨Rock&Ride 设计单位丨里外工作室 主创设计丨张哲 设计团队丨张雯、候飞、李巧莲 建筑面积丨40m² 完成时间丨2022.10 项目摄影丨云眠摄影工作室
张哲 里外工作室创始人 |