
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli--意大利布里克森新公共图书馆
达人网eric  / 发表于 2022-12-6 10:40:40 |商业公装[严选]  / 书店书院书馆
Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli事务所于近期完成了布里克森新公共图书馆的设计。该图书馆位于意大利博尔扎诺,距离大教堂仅一箭之遥。布里克森公共图书馆成立于1984年,拥有超过3.6万册图书,是整个伊萨尔科山谷的标志性建筑。

Architectural firm Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli has completed the new Brixen Public Library (Bolzano, Italy), a stone’s throw from the Duomo — a public institution founded in 1984, which, with its legacy of over 36.000 books represents a landmark for the entire Isarco Valley.

▼建筑和历史城区环境,The new project in the urban context of the historic center © Marco Cappelletti

“这座图书馆的目标并非成为一个庞大的图书容器,恰恰相反,它是一个深植于环境的项目,旨在容纳并催生人与人的交流以及关系的建立。它让不同的文化、实践和各年龄段的人群交织在一起。”——建筑师Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira和Curzio Pentimalli

“This is not a library intended as a large container of books – quite the opposite. It is a project deeply rooted in its context, designed to welcome and generate human relationships and exchanges, intertwining cultures, practices and people of different ages “. – explain the architects Michel Carlana, Luca Mezzalira and Curzio Pentimalli.

▼图书馆西侧凸窗。新建筑的所有楼层都朝向老城区的主教宫殿和大教堂,Detail of the west erker of the library. All floors of the new building face towards the Bishop’s Palace and the Duomo, two of the most important buildings in the old town © Marco Cappelletti

▼从布鲁诺街望向新图书馆 © Marco Cappelletti
The new public library as seen from Via Bruno

▼从布鲁诺街望向次入口,Close-up view of the secondary access from Via Bruno © Marco Cappelletti


The project consists of the construction of a unitary complex which includes a new building and the restorantion and annexation of the existing buildings of the Ex Finance, a portion of the Ex Court (the first two levels) and of the Ex Prison (part of the ground floor and first floor). The intervention is completed by the redefinition of the existing external spaces, two pedestrian access areas to the north and south of the Ex Finance building, and the garden adjacent to Via Bruno, which was once private and owned by the Bishop.

▼阅读花园曾经是主教的私人花园,如今已成为布里克森社区的公共场地,View of the reading garden: once the Bishop’s private garden, today it becomes a public place returned to the community of Brixen © Marco Cappelletti


Planting itself silently and extremely respectfully into its surroundings, the intervention is located south of the Ex Court, in the void generated between two existing buildings, where, before the demolition, there was a lot belonging to the Diocese. A real connecting infrastructure, the new building behaves structurally like a “tree” that leans its cement “branches” towards the buildings of the Ex Finance and the Ex Court, establishing a perpetual relationship between new and old, and inspiring the architects to rename the project, “Kulturbaum, tree of culture”.

▼四层高的门厅空间,The quadruple height space of the foyer © Marco Cappelletti

▼新图书馆的主门厅,The main foyer of the new library © Marco Cappelletti

▼从门厅望向北面,可以看见新楼与法院和财政大楼间的联系,The main foyer of the new library looking north, with the connection between the new building, the Ex Court and the Ex Finance © Marco Cappelletti

▼四层高的中庭与各楼层关系,The quadruple height atrium with the different views from the relative floors © Marco Cappelletti

▼左:从新楼四层望向通高中庭;右:新建筑和财政大楼之间的内部视野,Left: The quadruple height atrium seen from the third floor of the new building; Right: Internal view between the new building and the Ex Finance building  © Marco Cappelletti


The analogy continues on a planimetric level, dictated by the need for great flexibility and adaptability of the spaces of a contemporary public library. Far from adopting the classic shelving system, the building has a double perimeter shell located between the external concrete walls and the wooden paneling that covers the interiors, and which houses most of the serving spaces: from the vertical distribution to the toilets, to the furniture with bookcases, fixed benches, tables, and more. This “cortex” envelops the space, completely freeing it from any functional obligation.

▼东侧凸窗后方的三层高空间,作为图书馆的内部客厅 © Marco Cappelletti
The triple-height space of the east erker, a true domestic living room for the library

▼东侧凸窗视野 © Marco Cappelletti
View from the triple-height space of the east erker


The versatility of the environments has also guided the intended management and use of the library. By controlling some strategic access points, in fact, the complex can be completely or partially permeable to the different floors. In this way, both the buildings and the related external appurtenances serve as independent elements to be used autonomously, to perform multiple functions and events at different times.

▼首层平面图,ground level plan © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli


The connections that are created between the new building and the existing buildings are tangible and fulfill formal, functional and distributive needs. The new building is the result of a mass that deforms through contractions and dilations in order to recompose itself according to the surrounding stereometries. Far from self-referencing, the complex changes as if it were a sensitive organism that continuously adapts to the needs of the site and the project.

▼左:新建筑的主楼梯;右: 从主楼梯望向三层的西侧凸窗,Left: Side view of the main staircase of the new building; Right: View of the main staircase with the west erker of the second floor in the background © Marco Cappelletti

▼新建筑次级楼梯间,The secondary staircase of the new building © Marco Cappelletti


To resolve the minor differences in elevation between the three buildings, the new “branches” compensate for the changes in elevation through slight slopes. The new volume contains two vertical links with different characteristics. The closed fire escape, in addition to serving all floors of the courthouse as an emergency exit, also acts as a staircase that connects the ground floor with the attic of the new building. The open staircase has been positioned barycentrically with respect to the functional masses that develop along the various levels. It facilitates quick connections between the floors, inviting those who walk through it to enjoy glimpses of the new spatiality. Compositionally and functionally, both staircases are incorporated into the “cortex”, while the pre-existing Ex Finance staricase is mainly intended for service use.

▼从财政大楼顶层望向新建筑的“分支” © Marco Cappelletti
Side view of the top floor of the Ex Finance, looking towards the “branch” of the new building

▼财政大楼顶层的休息区域 © Marco Cappelletti
The relax area on the top floor of the Ex Finance


Total continuity is guaranteed between the exteriors, enhanced by the insertion of tailored furnishing elements, and the interiors of the new library, intended to perform as a true public space. Entering the new building is like stepping into a portion of the city center.

▼位于法院大楼二层的阅览室 © Marco Cappelletti
The sequence of the reading rooms on the first floor of the Ex Court

▼法院大楼安装的新家具和灯具 © Marco Cappelletti
Close-up view of the new furnishings and new lighting of the Ex Court


Access to the new building is from the ground floor through the infotheque. From here, a generous quadruple height space, occupied by the reception area, grants access to the lifts. To the south, there is a newspaper library that can be made independent, ensuring excellent flexibility. On the first floor, the fiction area is designed as an open space which provides access — through a second reception area — to the activities located in the Ex Court and Ex Finance or to the upper floors via a staircase and lift. The second floor is mainly occupied by the non-fiction / treatise area, which directly connects to  the Ex Finance building, extending this function. On the third floor, an additional reception area acts as a junction between the multipurpose room and the literary events area. Toilets, cleaning rooms, storage areas and information desks are evenly distributed on the various levels.

▼二层小说区,The fiction area on the first floor © Marco Cappelletti

▼新建筑四层空间,Internal view of the third floor of the new building  © Marco Cappelletti

▼新建筑顶层阁楼的多功能空间,The attic of the top floor of the new building is intended for multiple uses © Marco Cappelletti


The renovation of the other existing buildings has enhanced their ancient character and their high degree of flexibility to accommodate different activities open to the public. The Ex Finance building is configured as an access point to the new intervention with the main front facing Piazza Duomo. The ground floor of the Ex Court building mainly houses service areas: automated warehouses, the area for checking the 24 h borrow and return area, an external counter, toilets and technical rooms. In the Ex Prison building, a passage gallery and an adjacent ancillary room have been built.

▼位于法院大楼二层的壁画房间,The frescoes room on the first floor of the Ex Court © Marco Cappelletti

▼壁画房间细节 © Marco Cappelletti
Detail of the cabinet in the fresco room

▼位于法院大楼二层的儿童阅读区 © Marco Cappelletti
The children’s area on the first floor of the Ex Court


Special attention has been paid to natural lighting, which is essential not only for reading, but also for the maintenance and conservation of books. The south wall of the building, devoid of interesting views, is deliberately blind to prevent the entry of direct light, and equipped on the inside with a “bookcase wall” that occupies the entire height of the building. This continuous boiserie, which becomes the library’s manifesto as a treasure chest of knowledge.

▼二层空间和独特的书架墙 © Marco Cappelletti
View of the “branch” connecting the first floor with the characteristic “cortex” of books

▼位于三层的阅读空间 © Marco Cappelletti
Side view of the reading space on the second floor of the east erker


The main components of the context have been reinterpreted in a contemporary key, such as the characteristic “erker”– typical bow windows that characterize the historic center. Two of these, of a giant order, favor strategic views: the building overlooks the two main areas of Brixen, the White Tower and the bell tower of the Cathedral on one side, and the Bishop’s Palace on the other, tracing a line of continuity with the city’s landmarks and most iconic elements.

▼透过西侧凸窗望向主教宫殿 © Marco Cappelletti
View from the third floor of the west erker, towards the Bishop’s Palace


Formally, the two erkers on the outside represent the extension of the volume of the building, within which they recreate a spatiality typical of Nordic culture, forming alcoves ideal for reading or admiring the landscape. The large windows, which trace the boundary between inside and outside, have been designed to favor indirect light at the points where there is the greatest flux and concentration of people. Finally, two large skylights placed at the top of the complex pitched roof allow the sun’s rays to cross the entire height of the building and reach the ground floor, thanks to an articulated system of retraction of the different floors, which plays a fundamental role in the introspection system between them.

▼三层西侧凸窗近景 © Marco Cappelletti
Close-up view of the west erker, on the second floor


Each internal glimpse, in which everything has been custom designed, is different, due to the great geometric and volumetric complexity of the building, camouflaged on the outside with clean and essential lines that blend perfectly with the pre-existing structures.

▼南侧凸窗,Detail of the southern erker © Marco Cappelletti

▼阅读花园的告示牌 © Marco Cappelletti
The notice board of the reading garden

由Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli设计的布里克森新图书馆项目加强了建筑与环境间的密切关系。它造就了一个以布里克森的建筑特色为灵感的公共空间,使新旧元素之间形成互相滋养的关系,让历史建筑与现代结构交织在一起。

The project of the new Brixen Public Library project by Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli intensifies the close relationship between architecture and context. Its formal outcome is a public venue, inspired by the architectural characteristics of Brixen, where the new feeds the old and vice versa, restoring exceptional architecture capable of interweaving historical and contemporary fabric.

▼主入口位于财政大楼北侧,朝向大教堂广场 © Marco Cappelletti
The main entrance to the new public library is located in the north side of the Ex Finance, overlooking Piazza Duomo

▼阅读花园夜景,东侧凸窗与既有结构形成对话 © Marco Cappelletti
Night view from the reading garden, with the east erker in dialog with the pre-existing structures

▼从布鲁诺街望向南侧次入口 © Marco Cappelletti
Side view of the secondary south entrance, from Via Bruno

▼研究模型,study model © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼项目模型,Project model © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼场地平面图,site plan © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼首层平面图,ground level plan © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼二层平面图,first level plan © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼三层平面图,second level plan © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼四层平面图,third level plan © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼南立面图,South elevation © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼东立面图,East elevation © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼西立面图,West elevation © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼剖面图AA,section AA © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼剖面图BB,section BB © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼剖面图EE,section EE © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼剖面图II,section II © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli

▼剖面图MM,section MM © Carlana Mezzalira Pentimalli


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