另一个世界的我们 相互交融,彼此成为内心平衡栖息之地 恰似时间与肌肤的关系 让时间与肌肤和谐共处 让五感沉浸在悠然怡人的质感和味道中 感受肌肤与生命最为愉悦的律动 —— 安德烈. 多泰尔
情绪释放,闪光时刻 Emotion and Flash
the Souffle Spa 是一家专注皮肤管理的高端美容会所,品牌全新概念旗舰店坐落于深圳前海中心。
The Souffle Spa, a high-end beauty club dedicated to skin management, locates its brand new conceptual flagship store in Qianhai Center of Shenzhen.
在逐渐缺失感知生活的节奏下,人们愈来愈向往一份松弛感。而在聒噪的都市里创造一个有温度的流动空间,抚慰匆忙路过的疲惫心灵,是 Souffle Spa 以「情绪释放」为理念的空间设计表达。
Driven by a life pace that gradually deprives them of the ability to perceive lives, people are developing an increasing strong yearn for a sense of relaxation. The Souffle Spa expresses its space design through the concept of “emotional release”, so as to create a warm and flowing space for those passers-by in a hurry and to soothe their tired souls in this noisy metropolis.
This place is another origin of inspiration besides home, which radiates the self-healing power for your body and soul.
It conveys the brilliant moments in our lives, and contains the self-healing moments in a journey with the five senses. You can release the complex emotions in your life and embark on a healing journey to sound sleep.
流动治愈,自然修复 Fluid and Healing
The design of this store is themed on the concept of “self-healing cells”: Cells represent a powerful natural restorative power; the spatialization of cell structure, with cell fission giving rise to a rich dynamic experience, works as the source of inspiration for the solution to the spatial functional demand.
The different zones in the space are presented by not just a simple physical partition but a moving line based on actual experiences of clients. According to a great many of the early researches, the behaviors of clients in the space correlate with the functions of each zone. Abiding by the design concept of “natural restoration” of the space, we elaborately places each zone in the most appropriate utilization field, thus creating a natural sense of cell fission.
The space is divided by ellipses in different forms and sizes. The circular space works as the core functional zones, namely reception zone, beauty room and waiting zone; the areas between circles work as auxiliary functional zones, namely water bar, shower room and dressing room. This layout allows the full utilization of the space and a tight flowing.
The compartments partitioned by high and low arc walls creates a round but not enclosed atmosphere, blurring the sense of spatial division. The contrast between curved surface and arc space constitutes a sense of healing flow. Such an atmosphere allows the physical and mental senses to flow and relax better, and the emotions to heal naturally here.
拥抱自然,虚实重组 Nature and Recombination
In order to create a physical and spiritual field atmosphere of “natural embrace and relaxing huddle”, we use a large area of earth color and rounded surface for the visual effect, rendering it softer and purer.
The ingeniously applied curves and surfaces create the recombination and superposition of the surfaces in various angles, and present an elegant radian. The rhythmic connection between various arc shapes presents a lively sense of fluency by sight.
The arc-shaped glass and the streamlined wall are recombined and partitioned, and those lines extend and interweave with each other, expressing the essence of flow and recombination in human cells. Entrants walk slowly as if they are placed between static motion and virtual reality. In the context of interweaving light and dark, their souls absorb natural energies and get healed.
焕活滋养,柔软自愈 Refresh and Soft
焕活滋养的流动空间,明暗对比的灯光营造舒适的场景氛围,让光点所及之处成为主角,亦如the Souffle对肌肤的滋养理念一般,焕活新生。
In the lively and nourishing flowing space, contrasting light creates a comfortable scenario atmosphere and turns the places filled with light into outstanding spots, which just coincide with the Souffle’s concept on skin nourishment, the fresh rebirth.
The different spaces under the soft light present multiple facets and then derive multi-dimensional gray scale. An original ecological beauty is expressed by the replacement of smooth surface with matte surface and of luxury with simplicity. Such an effect is the “softness and self-healing” that the designer wants to express.
Shadows stretch along the edge of the light, and different levels of light-shade transition creates an infinite imagination space for entrants, and arouses the comfortable resonance: The emotions smoldering in the heart for long get released infinitely, and the sense of free experience runs through the whole process, which awaken the self-healing power in modern urban people through such a physical and spiritual healing process.
真正的美是建立在身体、心理、灵性的和谐统一,the Souffle Spa 希望成为你我在都市中流动自愈的身心栖息地。
The true beauty is based upon the physical, psychological and spiritual harmony. The Souffle Spa hopes to become a flowing and healing harbor for your body and soul in this metropolis.
项目名称丨the Souffle项目地址丨中国深圳 空间设计丨异规设计 主案设计丨王盛 设计成员丨陈子龙 视觉设计丨异规设计 设计团队丨郑晶、陈栋升、王杏 品牌策略|sumi huang 竣工日期丨2022年9月 建筑面积丨200㎡ 项目摄影丨云眠工作室 主要材料丨环保漆、洞石、长虹玻璃、瓷砖 |