
达人设计  / 发表于 2022-11-22 17:09:20 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




NOMAL是一家位于韩国的室内设计工作室,由三位青年设计师Seyeon Cho、Bokki Lee和Minyuk Chai共同成立。NOMAL的命名来源于英文单词“NORMAL”,去掉中间的“R”,只借用“NOMAL”的发音,有“正常的、标准的”之意。

NOMAL is an interior design studio based in South Korea founded by three young designers, Seyeon Cho, Bokki Lee and Minyuk Chai. The name NOMAL is derived from the English word "NORMAL", which means "normal" by dropping the middle "R" and just borrowing the pronunciation of "NOMAL".

工作室的目标是对日常中的平凡之美进行恰如其分的转换,以创造出新的和意义非凡的空间。“Nomalance”的过程与各个项目的特性和“Nomalance”所追求的目标相结合,创造出“Nomalance (Nomal + Balance)”的结果。他们创造的不是宣言性或自我复制性的建筑,而是在通过设计过程来寻找某种均衡感,追求工作方法的多样性和灵活性。

The goal of the studio is to transform the ordinary beauty of the everyday into something new and meaningful. The process of "Nomalance" is combined with the character of the individual projects and the goals pursued by "Nomalance" to create the result of "Nomalance (Nomal + Balance)". Instead of creating declarative or self-replicating buildings, they are seeking a sense of balance through the design process, seeking diversity and flexibility in their working methods.

Seyeon Cho,毕业于Parsons设计学院,曾就职于纽约AI工作室和Wise Architecture,并在Wise Architecture与另外两位合伙人相遇,后来共同成立了NOMAL。工作室善长根据个人的关注点,旨在优化、补充、增进人们在日常生活空间中可能会接触到的物质性的和非物质性的客观因素。

Seyeon Cho, a graduate of Parsons School of Design, previously worked at AI Studio in New York and Wise Architecture, where he met two other partners before forming NOMAL. Based on individual concerns, the studio aims to optimize, complement and enhance the physical and non-physical objective factors that people may encounter in their daily living Spaces.

Bokki Lee毕业于庆熙大学建筑系,在加入NOMAL后,基于他对工作的投入和对空间设计的独特风格呈现,使他能够着眼于建筑材料和物理属性的角度来进行创作。Minyuk Chai从韩国艺术大学建筑系毕业后,他则更加关注城市发展和社会现象,并根据对建筑和空间在日常生活中所体现出特殊意义的关注而开展工作。

Bokki Lee graduated from the Department of Architecture at Kyung Hee University. After joining NOMAL, his dedication to his work and unique style presentation of space design enabled him to work with an eye toward building materials and physical properties. After graduating from the Department of Architecture at the Korea University of the Arts, Minyuk Chai has focused on urban development and social phenomena, and based his work on the special significance of architecture and space in daily life.


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