
Marie Lecluyse--简的本真
达人设计  / 发表于 2022-11-17 18:03:40 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




来自比利时瓦雷赫姆的Marie Lecluyse,是一位优秀的室内设计师,同时也是一名时尚爱好者。目前她成立了以自己名字命名的设计工作室——Marie Lecluyse Design,在她几乎所有的作品中,极简主义是永恒的探索主题。Marie Lecluyse善于透过事物复杂的外表,追求适应性和舒适性,还原其内在的空间本质。

Marie Lecluyse from Varehem, Belgium, is an excellent interior designer and a fashion lover. She now has her own eponymous Design studio, Marie Lecluyse Design, where minimalism is a constant theme of exploration in almost all of her work. Marie Lecluyse is good at restoring the inherent nature of space through the complex appearance of things, pursuing adaptability and comfort.

La Valeur Positive

无论是从视觉和体验上,还是风格上而言,La Valeur Positive住宅的内部陈设体现出一种自然的清新感,充分的体现了设计师“少即是多”的设计理念。明确的功能分区增加空间有效利用率的同时,也提高了居住者的舒适度。户外的绿植被用作住宅的自然背景,并将其引入到室内,从而模糊室内外之间的界限。

Visually and experiential, as well as stylistically, the interior of La Valeur Positive reflects a natural freshness that fully embodies the designer's "less is more" design philosophy. The clear functional zoning increases the efficient utilization of space and also improves the comfort of residents. The outdoor green vegetation is used as the natural background of the house and introduced into the interior, thus blurring the boundary between inside and outside.

MR Chuck

“极致、简约”常常被看作是Marie Lecluys的代名词,她独特的设计手法总是与其敏锐的洞察力和细腻的心思相结合。在MR Chuck住宅的设计中,展现了她一贯的设计风格,营造出极简又通透的空间情境。通过合理的材质建构了空间的层次,而灯具的造型和色彩的运用则起到了巧妙的点缀作用。

"Extreme and simple" is often regarded as a synonym for Marie Lecluys, whose unique design techniques are always combined with her keen insight and delicate thoughts. In the design of MR Chuck's house, her consistent design style is displayed, creating a minimalist and transparent space situation. The level of space is constructed through reasonable materials, while the shape of lamps and the use of color plays a clever embellishment role.

Volumes And Lines

材料的选择对于空间的氛围营造至关重要,在Volumes And Lines的住宅中,Marie Lecluyse尝试采用浅色调的饰面和天然的材料肌理来营造令人舒适的居住环境。空间呈现的当代性、现代感以及简约的哲学本质,真实地体现了Marie Lecluyse的设计符号与风格标签。

The choice of materials is very important to create the atmosphere of the space. In the house with Volumes And Lines, Marie Lecluyse tried to use light-colored finishes and natural material texture to create a comfortable living environment. The contemporary, modern and simple philosophical nature of the space is a true reflection of Marie Lecluyse's design symbol and style label.


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