
Super Pie Design--不寻常的足迹
达人设计  / 发表于 2022-11-11 16:57:32 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Park Jae Woo是一位韩国的青年设计师,由他成立并主持的室内设计工作室Super Pie Design,向来以优质的出品而屡获殊荣。这也得益于他们严谨的工作态度,以及针对不同特殊环境而进行的深入研究以求设计的创新与创意实现,希望能够予人一定的启发性。
Park Jae Woo is a young Korean designer. His interior Design Studio Super Pie Design Studio, founded and chaired by him, has been winning many awards for its quality productions. This is also due to their rigorous working attitude, as well as their in-depth research in different special environments in order to achieve design innovation and creativity, hoping to inspire people.

Park Jae Woo作为Super Pie Design的首席执行官,他认为在空间构成的同时,要控制好材料和色彩的有效利用,因为它们是设计师为了更好地诠释设计理念的重要表达载体。而如何能够更好地使其协调一致,往往成为设计师建立独特风格的色彩和语言的设计标志。

Park Jae Woo, CEO of Super Pie Design Studio, believes that the effective use of materials and colors should be controlled while composing the space, as they are important expression vehicles for designers to better interpret the Design concept. And how to make it better coordinated, often become the designer to establish a unique style of color and language design mark.

Super Pie Design渴望在每一个项目中表现出原创性,并创造出生动的、轻快的、朴实且不寻常的空间。而建筑师、空间设计师与艺术家有着截然不同的使命,后者在于个人情感的表达和感知的投射;前者则更注重实践的探索,因此他们深知每个项目能够完美的落地,专业的态度与坚持在其中起到了至关重要的作用。

Super Pie Design Studio aspires to be original in every project and to create Spaces that are vivid, airy, unpretentious and unusual. Architects, space designers and artists have very different missions, the latter lies in the expression of personal emotions and perception projection; The former pay more attention to practical exploration, so they know that every project can be perfectly implemented, and professional attitude and persistence play a crucial role in it.

极简主义、纯净色块、“未完成的空间”——这些用来描述或者定义Super Pie Design的出品是再恰当不过了。为此,他们将创新、创意的设计研究和因项目特殊性而面对的挑战作为他们的发展方向和目标,并在持续的设计过程中不断的完善和探索新的思路。

Minimalism, pure color blocks, "unfinished space" -- these are the best ways to describe or define Super Pie Design Studio's creations. To this end, they take innovation, creative design research and challenges due to the particularity of the project as their development direction and goal, and continue to improve and explore new ideas in the continuous design process.


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