有人喜欢在休闲椅上小憩,有人偏爱坐在休闲椅上思考,对于一把休闲椅,人们总能找到适合且舒适的使用方式。Some people like to take a nap in a leisure chair, while others prefer to sit in a leisure chair and think. For a leisure chair, people can always find a suitable and comfortable way to use it.
海是蓝色的,说不上秀丽与迷人,却使人感到亲切与舒服,它不像漓江之水清可见底,却有着南海有风的波澜壮阔和无风时的和蔼可亲。The sea is blue. It is not beautiful and charming, but it makes people feel kind and comfortable. It is not like the water of the Lijiang River, which can be seen from the bottom, but it has the grandeur of the South China Sea when there is wind and the amiability when there is no wind.
艺术品,最擅长快速唤醒平庸的精神,点燃空间的记忆点。在同质化的俗常里,创造悦己的妙趣,让每个归家时刻卸下繁杂,重装心境,元气集结。Art is best at quickly awakening the mediocre spirit and igniting the memory point of space. In the homogenized vulgarity, we create the fun of pleasing ourselves, so that every time we return home, we can unload the complexity, reload our mood and gather our strength.
面朝大海 春暖花开 facing the sea with spring flowers blossoming
周末和节假日有个远离纷繁都市的好去处,体验慢节奏的生活,位于海边的度假房,即安静,又能享受海景,无论是与孩子们享受亲子快乐时光还是和朋友零会的愉悦,在这里都能实现。 On weekends and holidays, there is a good place to stay away from the numerous cities and experience the slow-paced life. The holiday house located at the seaside is quiet and can enjoy the sea view. It can be realized here whether it is to enjoy the happy time with children or the pleasure of meeting friends.
Feel warm and comfortable
生活是简单的,把阳台纳入客餐厅,并且,将多功能房以半开放半封闭的形式与客厅、餐厅隔而不断。这是一个流畅的大空间,每个区域都能相互看见,相互分离。Life is simple. The balcony is included in the guest restaurant, and the multi-functional room is separated from the living room and dining room in a semi open and semi closed form. This is a smooth large space, and each area can be seen and separated from each other.
A small box in a big box
将原本的客房改为现在的开放式多功能房,可以让动线更加流畅和明亮,同时考虑到多能室的功能性与灵活性,在这里运用了“大盒子,小盒子”这一理念。Changing the original guest room into the current open multi-function room can make the moving line more smooth and bright. At the same time, considering the functionality and flexibility of the multi-function room, the concept of "big box, small box" is used here.
Attitude towards life
家是扮演着避风港的角色,对家的态度就是对生活的态度,大地色系让空间人的心理感受更加放松,风格不需要刻意营造,只要方式和气质对了就变得自然。 Home plays the role of a safe haven. The attitude to home is the attitude to life. The earth color system makes the psychological feelings of people in the space more relaxed. The style does not need to be deliberately created. As long as the way and temperament are right, it will become natural.
| 平面布置图 Layout plan |
项目信息介绍 Information
项目类型 :惠东维港湾
Project Name:huidong weigangwan
项目坐标 :广东·惠州
Project Location:huizhou, Guangdong
设计单位 :土禾空间设计事务所
Design Unit: THD
主案设计 :王华汉
Design Director: Wang Huahan
参与设计 :梁春兰 、李永康 、陈丽洁、黄馨
Participate in Design:Liang Chunlan, Li Yongkang, Chen Lijie,Huang Xin
Project writing:chen minlu
项目摄影: 黄缅贵
Photographer:Huang Miangui
Design Date:2020
竣工时间 :2022年
Design Date:2022
项目面积 :89m²
Project Area:89㎡