以下作品图文由MCO STUDIO供稿并授权发布!
MCO STUDIO,坐标上海,设计涵盖住宅、地产、展示设计, 是一家提供全方位的室内设计机构。我们的创造性是驱动我们向前的主要因素,它是我们想象力和原动力,帮助我们实现概念与构思。 MCO STUDIO, located in Shanghai, specializes in residential, real estate and exhibition design. Our creativity is the main thing that drives us forward, it is our imagination and the prime mover, it helps us realize concepts and ideas.
△侘寂风 Material Board
拿走的东西越多,留下的就越纯粹,简单而纯粹的东西,往往是人们持续热爱的The more things are taken away, the more pure is left, simple and pure things, often people continue to love. ——Jil Sander
△客厅自然光影 设计手稿
都市越繁华,人们越会对侘寂产生共鸣,在热闹、拥挤、嘈杂的环境里,只有保持自我,才能够争取空间。我们需要对比,更要不同。The more prosperous the city, the more people will resonate with wabi Sabi, in the busy, crowded, noisy environment, only to maintain self, can fight for space. We need contrast, but we need difference.
让事物回归本源,保持纯净的原始状态,即使历经了长久的时间,也仍然能从不经修饰的外表,探查到质朴的内在,这便是设计的初衷。The original intention of the design is to let things return to their origin and keep the pure and original state. Even after a long time, they can still explore the plain inner part from the unmodified appearance.
△主卧室自然光影 设计手稿
在细腻与饱满之间追求微妙的平衡,低饱和度的色彩让人瞬间放松,引入温柔的自然光线,艺术挂画为生活空间带来自然的气息。The delicate balance between delicacy and fullness is pursued. The color with low saturation makes people relaxed instantly, the gentle natural light is introduced, and the art hanging painting brings a natural breath to the living space.
摒弃鲜艳跳脱的色彩,没有繁杂的线条装饰,浅米灰色系贯穿整个空间,除却美,更注重人与生活的本质,感悟内心的平静。Abandon the bright colors, no complex line decoration, light rice gray system throughout the entire space, in addition to beauty, more attention to the nature of people and life, feeling the inner peace.
△生活场景 设计分析
项目名称 | 江杨家园 项目面积 | 81㎡ 项目地址 |上海 虹口 主创设计 | 张迈-Michael 设计参与 | 谭成杰 定制顾问 | 王亮-Williamno 全屋定制 | 策画家Houseing
ABOUT Zhang Mai张迈 | Michael MCO STUDIO创始人/设计总监 全球杰出华人设计师 2019亚太空间设计大赛最具原创设计师 |