Langham Beauty坐落在香港旺角的朗豪坊商场内,是坐拥两层空间,面积达2000平米的美妆购物空间。作为综合零售平台吸引众多美妆品牌在此入驻,同时也会用于举办临时活动以及快闪店的开设。不同于传统的美妆购物街,Langham Beauty的空间特质试图唤醒人们本能的对于回归自然的愿景。木质鳍状吊顶所展现的有机韵律,如波浪般蔓延舒展的树形装置,对材料本源性的保留以及对柔和自然光线的引入是对这一概念的完美诠释。
Langham Beauty located in Langham Place, Mongkok, Hong Kong, is a 2000 sqm beauty hall. Occupying 2 levels the beauty hall operates as a platform for a range of beauty vendors, rotational events and pop ups. Unlike traditional beauty halls, the spatial identity of Langham Beauty evokes a return to nature, and one’s natural radiance. This is represented in the organic rhythm of the timber ceiling fins, undulating radiating trees, a truth in materiality and ephemeral light.
▼空间概览,overall view ©HDP photography
联图通过打开原建筑的封闭天窗来引入自然光线,同时加入木质树状装置。当人们经由双层挑高区域步入美妆购物街,伴随动线的行进,这些 “树”在空间中层叠而下错落分布,自然光透过 “树冠”缓缓流淌落下,斑驳光线映落在地面上,营造出宛如漫步在森林中的体验。
Upon entering the beauty hall, one passes through a double height space. Previously closed off by a skylight Linehouse opened the atrium, inserting timber trees which line the passage. The trees undulate in height, creating a forest-like canopy through the circulation space and filtering light down into the retail floor below.
▼中庭置入木质树状装置,atrium with timber trees ©HDP photography
▼自然光透过 “树冠”缓缓流淌落下 ©HDP photography
natural light flows down slowly through the “canopy”
The atrium perimeter is lined with timber fins which wrap down to cover the ceiling plane, hovering above the vendors. These timber fins organically shift in profile creating a sense of passing time and rhythm.
▼鳍状木板向下包裹住天花 ©HDP photography
timber fins wrap down to cover the ceiling plane
▼细部,details ©HDP photography
An honest material palette of oak timber is employed for the trees and ceiling. The structure of the trees is composed of a series of timber fins which diverge out in a radial pattern at the tree tops to form the canopies. Lower level trees are back lit, creating focal points to guide customers through the retail floor.
▼背发光设计,back lit design ©HDP photography
▼细部,details ©HDP photography
下方固定道具的设计通过与上方自然材料截然不同的质感来寻求材料性上的对比 ,以打造自然与精制、构筑与自然有机的对比层次。道具的设计与制作采用了不锈钢结构件与悬浮的晕红色玻璃的组合。
The design of the lower level fixtures seek contradiction in materiality to create qualities of natural vs man-made, tectonic vs. organic. The fixtures are composed of inserted stainless steel elements and floating plush peach glass.
▼家具:不锈钢结构件与悬浮的晕红色玻璃的组合 ©HDP photography
furniture: combination of stainless steel elements and floating plush peach glass
▼一层平面图,level 1 plan ©Linehouse
▼二层平面图,level 2 plan ©Linehouse
▼剖面图,section ©Linehouse
设计负责人:Briar Hickling
摄影:HDP photography
地面_塑胶地板_TARKETT IQ Surface _074 Rouge
地面_石灰岩_Stone Design (asia pacific) Limited
木作_防火板_Formica (asia) Limited