“The fact that the artwork does not remain creates an urgency to see it.”——让娜·克劳德 Jeanne Claude
2021年12月,方夏设计罗振华受邀以“书店离家出走”为主题打造Jetlag Books西单更新场限时店——云。此时此地,书店已不再背负“必要成为城市之光”的责任。
Zhenhua Luo, the director of WIT Design & Research, was invited to design a pop-up shop named “The Cloud” based on the theme that “A bookstore runs away from home” in December 2021. In this case, bookstores no longer bear too much responsibility to be an iconic architectural representation of the city.
▼店铺外观,external view ©一千度摄影
Reverse thinking
Stop pursuing timelessness
No need to feel regret
每家书店要回答的问题都是不一样的,对于Jetlag Books西单快闪店,尝试以更轻盈的方式重新唤起人们对期刊的兴趣,是它所面临的。2020年12月,罗振华被委托设计这个在半年后将“消失”的场所,与竭尽全力将建筑空间留下不同,“正在消逝”才是这一次期刊化书店的设计要义。但正如巴黎凯旋门被包裹的那段时间里,你也很难再找到比那更浪漫的事。
Bookstores are facing challenges in the new area. At the same time, they need solutions to different problems. In this case, Jetlag Books, a pop-up shop, is proposed to attract the interest and attention of the public. In December 2020, Luo was commissioned to design this space and he devoted six months to focusing on the concept of “disappearing architecture”. This is in contrast to other designers who normally pursue the timelessness of architecture. The key point here is to draw attention to the disappearance of Beijing bookstores. As when Cristo and Jean-Claude drew attention to temporariness when the Arc de Triomphe was wrapped in Paris.
▼限时店全景,photo of the pop-up shop ©一千度摄影
A new metropolis magazine
stall in the era of “The Cloud”
Jetlag Books主理人以及西单更新场业主第一次看到罗振华的概念图当即全票通过——几片飘荡在空中的“云”,阳光从云层上方洒下,Jetlag Books的期刊和他们创造的生活场景就笼罩在这片光芒下,它看上去与精致雕琢的周边商铺不同,却瞬间击中人心。
▼限时店概念图-纸本水彩,conceptual drawing ©Dan.B
The conceptual drawing was quickly and unanimously approved by the clients, Jetlag Books and The New, when they saw it. It shows several cloud-shaped installations hanging from the ceiling, and magazines and various life style scenes are scattered around. Different from other surrounding finely-decorated stores, Jetlag Books is immediately impressive at first glance.
▼建成后的书店空间,completed bookstore space ©一千度摄影
For Luo, the design was based on the observation of the nature of things. The digital “clouds” are used to reflect on the concept of “disappearing”. They also represent the “cloud Internet era”. The limit of the original net height posed a challenge to the performance of spatial tension, so the flatter, softer and more fluid cloud eliminates this deficiency. “Sunshine” is projected through the holes in the cloud, and falling cloud fragments become display racks. The original roof and artesian floor are similarly colored, which backs up the performance of the pure white installations. With attention to sustainability, the designer was able to create a fantastic space in an elegant way.
▼光透过云洒在地上成为云的投影,scattered magazine stalls ©一千度摄影
▼漂浮之云“落”在地面成为展台,scattered magazine stalls ©一千度摄影
▼“云”漂浮的形态回应“消失的报刊亭” ©一千度摄影
The floating “clouds” represent “the disappearing magazine stall”.
空间内会定期更换杂志和商品,结合商场主题突破日常选品和空间局限输出生活方式和文化概念也是Jetlag Books的全新尝试。
Jetlag Books updates the magazines and items in the store on a regular basis and endorses lifestyle and culture concepts by going beyond the limits of the physical space to establish positive interactions combined with the required market themes of the mall.
▼多个生活方式品牌集合而成的新零售场所,A new retail space for multiple lifestyle brands ©一千度摄影
Tech follows hospitality
When other commercial buildings are all exerting their efforts in the exploration of how to approach customers, WIT Design has managed to find a smarter solution. Through limited use of technology and the presentation of clouds with minimal form but full of tension, pure elegance is achieved. It is no longer the case that customers are experiencing jet lag, but rather that Jetlag Bookstore is travelling and roaming the world. A reminder of both the numerous magazine stalls that once lined the streets in old Beijing and their sudden and complete disappearance. In contrast, through mapping Jetlag Books has created a pop-up space which reminds people of the lost magazine stall.
▼云和植物也回应Jetlag Books倡导的生活方式 ©一千度摄影
Clouds and plants echo the lifestyle advocated by Jetlag Books
The space does not aim to be an “immortal” store, nor do Jetlag books wish to become an immortal brand. Hence, the design returns all the autonomy to the bookstore. People walk into it, not because the space caters to the needs of consumers, but because it reveals itself in the way it does.
▼没有围墙、即将消失的Jetlag Books可以随意穿行,The pop-up store, Jetlag Books, with no walls which allows people to walk around freely ©一千度摄影
方夏设计通过对期刊业态调研,得到”云”的设计概念,并结合数字化将其转化为空间场景,深入而浅出,最终为Jetlag Books创造出颠覆以往也直达核心的空间价值。
Through the concept of “cloud” born out of research of the magazine and its marriage with technology, WIT has created a substantial space that can truly deliver the creative core value of Jetlag Books.
▼平面图,plan ©方夏设计
项目名称:Jetlag Books西单更新场限时店
项目地点:中国 · 北京
设计团队:赵公普 陶睿 田昌鑫 牛倩璇 张雅琪
品牌设计:L3 branding