长大了才发现, 小时候想要奔赴的“远方”没有终点和尽头。 When I grew up, I found out the "future" that I wanted to go to when I was a child has no end.
而每场追寻的起点 都是那个叫做“家”的地方 The starting point of every pursuit It s the same place called "home"
我们为梦想 为爱 为责任 一次次追寻、再一次次回归…… for the dream for love for responsibility chase again and again come back again and again
如今,希望有一个空间 能把家人们团聚在一起 Now, wishing there was a space where families could come together.
这既是成熟后的内心 也是家庭观念的传承 This is not only the mature heart, but also the inheritance of family values.
把心中的“远方”装裱在家里这儿是梦开始的地方Frame the "future" in your heart at homeThis is where the dream begins
▼ | 客厅--Living room |
一些空白,留给未来Some blanks for the future
宁静的光Tranquil light
玻璃窗外是岁月玻璃窗内是人生Outside the glass window is the yearsInside the glass window is the life
女主人一眼看中的这款茶几肌理自带光芒、耐人寻味This coffee table by Molteni&C is the first sight of the hostess,Its texture is radiant and intriguing
我们这个时代的人,需要的不仅仅是令人愉悦的、舒适的房子,更需要从空间的材料与资源中获得精神上的升华,即,一种情感的体验。People in our time need not only a pleasant and comfortable house, but also a spiritual sublimation from the materials and resources of the space, that is, an emotional experience.
这是当人们将“生活的细碎”看做“生活的艺术”时所获的的真正的情感体验。The emotional experience of turning "the nitty-gritty of life" into "the art of living".
在实用主义之外,生活空间能够传达给我们的精神滋养,已是弥足珍贵。In addition to pragmatism, the spiritual nourishment that living space can convey to us is already precious.
▼ | 餐厅--Dinning room |
围坐圆桌餐桌用餐聊聊谈谈齐整、团圆Sitting around the round table to eat, chatting, orderly and reunion.
墙壁上《消失的城市》为家里增添了氤氲柔光"The Lost City" on the wall adds a soft glow to the home.
▼ | 楼梯间 -- Staircase|
所有曲折和复杂的结构,都是为了营造“宁静”而设计的。All the meandering and complex structures are designed to create "quietness".
现代生活中的“宁静”正被各种事情侵犯,以至于日常生活变得太过公开,设计师有责任将宁静永久性的体现在居住空间中。The "quiet" in modern life is being violated by various things, so that daily life has become too public, and it is the designer s responsibility to embody the serenity in the living space permanently.
通过结构、材质、色彩、艺术品等调整空间氛围,让光线变得柔和、让空间变得柔软。Adjust the atmosphere of the space through structure, material, color, artwork, etc., so that the light becomes soft and the space becomes soft.
▼ | 卧室-- Bedrooms |
主卧的色彩沉稳、安静女主人精心挑选的床品令空间更加松弛The color of the master bedroom is calm and quiet, and the bedding carefully selected by the hostess makes the space more relaxed.
用一些可以更替的物品满足女儿现阶段对”粉色“的钟爱Use some replaceable items to satisfy the daughter s current love for "pink"
透过起居室和游戏房的巨大落地玻璃可欣赏到花园的景色Views of the garden through the huge floor-to-ceiling glass in the living room and game room.
▼ | 室外空间 · Outdoor Space |
走向庭院发现这里的绿色延伸至对面的公园头顶的天空也成了美丽风景into the courtyard,It is found that the scenery here extends to the opposite park, and the sky above has become a beautiful scenery.
▼ | 家庭起居室-- Family living room |
家庭起居室重新组合了家人的生活场景。The family living room regroups the life scenes of the family.
透过门窗和隔断将空间、视线、声响、行为及人的情感紧密联系到了一起。Through doors, windows and partitions, space, sight, sound, behavior and human emotions are closely linked.
生活碎片Fragments of life
▼ | 卫生间 -- Bathrooms |
主卫master bedroom bathroom
Guest guard
一次次远离 away from time to time 一次次回归 return again and again 家里装裱着远方 Home builds the future 家人支持着梦想 The family supports the dream 我们的翅膀羽翼丰满后 最留恋的 也是梦想的起点吧 After our wings are full, the most nostalgic thing is the starting point of our dreams.
项目坐标 | 浙江·宁波
项目类型 | 顶复
设计面积 | 416m²
设计机构 | 积木空间
聂宁 宁波积木空间设计有限公司 设计总监
近期奖项: 2021年金腾奖年度别墅空间设计大奖2022年美国MUSS设计大奖金奖
代表作品: 《生活的温度》、《有容》、《暖白》、《追光》、《氤氲柔光丨江山万里》
宁波积木空间设计有限公司由聂宁先生与常莹女士于2016年创立。 公司在这五年时间里不停地探索与尝试,希望通过设计为空间赋予生命,深度思考空间与人、与环境的共生关系。