打开窗 能看到一片海 还有一点 你喜欢的阳光
喜欢翻山越岭的人,更热爱抵达。承载旅人的期冀与疲惫,大概就是一间民宿的存在意义吧,毕竟谁不想要烟火气在身边,大自然在眼前。 Those who love traveling love arriving more. Carrying travelers' expectations and fatigue may be the significance of the existence of a B&B. After all, who doesn't like to be in the midst of a busy environment while keeping their own peace of mind.
本案设计中运用了大量的原木色与富有温柔质感的卡其色系,降低空间色彩的饱和度与明度,用色彩传达出温馨舒适的情绪语言。 This design uses a lot of wood and soft khaki colors. The goal is to reduce the brightness and saturation of colors in the space and then convey a warm and comfortable emotional language.
人间烟火气 最抚凡人心
在昼夜温差较大的云贵地区,供暖是设计的必备要素,别具一格的壁炉设计将整个空间点亮,人类是视觉生物,一炉明火便能够让人瞬间心理回温。搭配上色调和谐质感温柔的家居用品,打造出高级又不失温度的干净空间。 For yunnan-Guizhou area with large temperature difference between day and night, heating is a necessary element in the design. The fireplace lights up the whole space. Humans are visual creatures, and an open fire can instantly warm them up. With the harmonious tone of the gentle texture of the household items, to create a high-level and warm clean space.
阳光登堂入室,无视落地玻璃门的假意拦阻,光线在所有物体的表面留下生硬或柔和的明暗笔触。所谓空间的呼吸感,难道还有比“半个房间的阳光都属于你”这一注解来得更贴切? Sunlight streamed into the room through floor-to-ceiling glass doors. The light leaves hard or soft gradient strokes on all surfaces. There is no better explanation for the breath of space than "half the sunlight in the room is yours".
设计师的功底体现在其对于空间整体性的把控,“设计感”不仅见诸细节,它更像是一幅拼图的全貌,单有细节的完美远远不够,而是要在每一个角落都精致美妙的基础上,拼贴出更为宏大而完整的风格轮廓。 The designer's skill lies in her control of spatial integrity. "Design sense" is not only in the details. It's more like a complete jigsaw puzzle, where perfection in detail is far from enough. Designers should collage a more grand and complete style outline on the basis of exquisite beauty in every corner of the space.
万物枯荣复始 生活就在 你双脚所到之处
世界上最让人安心的地方——被窝。在线条简洁、色彩素雅的卧室中,放上一张懂你的大床,是能够慰抚人心的岁月静好。 The most reassuring place in the world is the bed. A large bed in the bedroom is one of those beautiful things that soothe the soul.
卧室的仪式感也很重要。尤其在高质量睡眠已经逐渐成为一种奢侈的当代,一个令人感觉舒适、安心的睡眠环境将有效提升睡眠质量。 High quality sleep is becoming a luxury. Therefore, a comfortable and reassuring sleep environment will effectively improve the quality of sleep.
大理石墙面“粗中有细”的肌理,毛绒地毯柔软亲肤的质感,床上放着蓬松的枕头,颜值爆表的床头灯饰...躺在床上的瞬间,彷佛空气中都开始分裂睡眠因子... Rough three-dimensional texture of marble wall, soft and skin-friendly texture of plush carpet, fluffy pillows on the bed, beautiful bedside lamp... The moment you lie in bed, it's like the air starts to mitotic cells called sleep...
我看到 那些岁月如何奔驰 挨过了冬季 便迎来了春天
考虑到入住民宿的客人大多为旅行人士,设计师在空间布局与色彩搭配上做了许多的考量,简洁的家具布置给居住者留出更多活动空间,同时也带给入住者干净舒适的居住体验。 Considering that most of the guests here are travelers, designers have made a lot of efforts in space layout and color. For example, not putting too much furniture is to leave more room for the occupants. At the same time, it also brings clean and comfortable living experience.
半开放式的居住空间,将室内与室外融合一体。大面积的落地门窗为室内引进大量的阳光,在一天中的不同时间段,光影的形状和角度各不相同。可想而知,在这样的空间中,每一分每一秒都将是仅此一次不可复制。 The semi-open living space integrates the interior with the exterior. Sunlight streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and doors. The shapes and angles of light and shadow vary at different times of the day. It is conceivable that in such a space every minute and every second would be impossible to replicate.
让光 为空间雕刻出形状 在此之前,于此之后 皆不可复刻
床的作用是让人卸下疲惫,重启能量。配色温柔沉稳又处处舒适,极简的搭配模式拒绝任何引人不适的画蛇添足。 The purpose of a bed is to relieve fatigue and restart one's energy. All the colors that our eyes shall reach in this room is gentle and calm. The minimalist matching pattern refuses to overdo anything that makes people uncomfortable.
半开放式的居住空间,将室内与室外融合一体。大面积的落地门窗为室内引进大量的阳光,在一天中的不同时间段,光影的形状和角度各不相同。可想而知,在这样的空间中,每一分每一秒都将是仅此一次不可复制。 The semi-open living space integrates the interior with the exterior. Sunlight streamed in through the floor-to-ceiling windows and doors. The shapes and angles of light and shadow vary at different times of the day. It is conceivable that in such a space every minute and every second would be impossible to replicate.
生活 是几何形状的 有尖锐的棱角 也有圆融的自洽
墙面的几何纹理把整个空间处理得颇具未来感,置身其间,仿佛在无数梦境中穿梭,时间不再是单线生长的刻度,而是无数个平行空间叠加而成的永恒。 Leaving traces in space is like keeping joy in memory. The geometric texture of the walls gives the room a futuristic look. Being in this room is like walking through a million dreams. Time here is no longer a linear scale, but an eternity formed by the sum of countless parallel spaces.
我想 “宾至如归” 这个词 应该是对旅店的最佳褒奖 轻松、惬意、舒适 ... 都是“家”的理想化形态
项目位置 | Location:大理 项目类型 | Type:全案设计 空间性质 | Spatial properties:民宿 设计时间 | Time:2021年 项目进展 | Progress:进行中 项目面积 | Area:4000m²
/ 创造氛围美学空间 追求健康诗意生活 /
夏杭琪 | Karina
独立空间设计师,H&F 品牌设计主理人,上海集境设计创始人及设计总监,擅长以简洁明快的手法,创造不同的氛围美学空间 。喜欢多元化风格的碰撞组合,陈设搭配格外出彩的她,设计作品多以干净简约的线条,辅以强烈色彩对比的基调呈现,利用创意感十足的软装搭配营造出诗意典雅的氛围。Karina在国内环境艺术学院毕业之后赴意大利米兰学习设计,着力研究空间的尺度感、情感系统、环保健康这三个层面,为业主量身定制个性化、专属化的高品质设计服务,致力于为国内精英阶层打造独有的美学空间。Karina对品味生活有非常独到理解和研究,提倡简单、纯粹、坚定、充满力量的设计理念。
独立的设计师团队 不断探索多元领域新知 相信设计无界,万物内法相通 对设计有着不灭的热情 创作讲究物理功能、注重空间体验 善于运用现代手法 作品呈现当代性、自然性与人文性 致力于为精英阶层量身定制独有的美学空间