/ ZERO TO CONSTANT 空山返影 倏忽永恒 探寻空间的诗意与永恒性的产生 The empty mountain returns to the shadows, and it will be eternal. Exploring the poetic and eternal generation of space.
空间也许在某种程度上就是人生方式,我们在怎样的空间里生活才能专注于生活,同时实现生命的完成? Space may be the way of life to some extent.What kind of space do we live in To focus on life.At the same time to achieve the completion of life?
归零至恒Zero to constant
This case is located in a 64-square-meter residence inHuajiadi Xili District, Wangjing, Beijing. The owners are a post-90s couple whoare born in the north. The irregular kites and sweeping robots are incapable ofsanitary blind spots and complicated spatial movement lines have troubled themfor a long time. Difficult problem. The space is designed with curves, andeverything is guided by arc lights to guide the homeowner back home to enjoy asense of freedom and comfort.
玄关的设计极具现代化 入口处的柜子为储物提供了宝藏收纳地 现代水墨石的餐桌凸显轻奢元素 亚克力材质可直观看到猫咪活动全局 是粗糙冰冷的材质与温度的结合 也是现代设计与生活化的碰撞
Thedesign of the entrance is very modern Thecabinet at the entrance provides a treasure storage place for storage Modernink stone dining table highlights light luxury elements Acrylicmaterial can visually see the overall situation of cat activity Itis a combination of rough and cold material and temperature Itis also a collision between modern design and daily life
空间应是为人而设,简单优美又耐看 就像跟人的相处一样,希望是久往而不厌
The space should bedesigned for people, simple, beautiful and attractive. It's like gettingalong with people, I hope you will never get tired of it.
开放式的起居空间 圆弧形半墙隔断客餐厅 厨房中去家务化设计提高了业主效率 米色沙发搭配水磨石茶几 材质与造型的变换让空间更富高级感 自然光线的照射 为室内带来通透明亮的视觉感受
Open living space Arc-shaped half-wall partition guest dining room The de-housekeeping design in the kitchen improves the owner’s efficiency Beige sofa with terrazzo coffee table The transformation of materials and shapes makes the spacemore advanced Natural light Bring a transparent and bright visual experience to theinterior
沙发旁的储物空间从玄关延续至此 各种摆件的装点 在低调中彰显业主的品味生活
The storage space next to the sofa continues from theentrance to this point Decoration of various ornaments Show the owner's tasteful life in a low-key
在生活细微之处发现美 简约的设计美感与人体工程学视觉 完美契合了业主对理想空间的梦想
Discovering beauty in the subtleties of life, the simple design beauty and ergonomic vision perfectly fit the owner's dream of an ideal space.
以榻榻米形式呈现的次卧 涵盖了“休憩+收纳+办公”三项功能 根据业主不同的需求 赋予多功能房不同的使命 玻璃长桌使空间得到延伸 氛围感十足
The second bedroom in theform of tatami Covers the three functionsof "rest + storage + office" According to the differentneeds of the owner Give the multifunctionalroom a different mission The long glass tableextends the space Full of atmosphere
温润木材元素低调而精致 搭配今年流行元素——黑白棋盘格 优雅而有格调 是时髦 更是实用 高级感十足 业主表示这块区域是网红景点 可以实现拍照“收费“
Warm wood elements are low-keyand delicate Match this year's popularelements-black and white checkerboard Elegant and stylish,fashionable and practical Full of sense of luxury The owner said that thisarea is an online celebrity attraction "Charge" can berealized for taking pictures
巴士门设计的衣柜 开关与周围墙壁齐平闭合 室内光线如同魔术师的双手 雕刻着空间的精致感 女主人的梳妆台为空间增添丰富感 就寝环境温馨又自然
Bus door design wardrobe The switch is closed flushwith the surrounding wall The indoor light is likethe hands of a magician Carving the exquisite senseof space The hostess's dressingtable adds richness to the space The sleeping environment iswarm and natural
阳台变书房设计 简单的布置弥散着沉稳之息 18步直达阳台 直线代替L型 解决晾衣动线冗长的问题 突兀碍事的雨水管设计成降噪猫抓管 在硬装上用简单温和的材质辅助空间 在软装上延续空间的元素做最舒适的空间
Balcony to study design The simple layout is filled with calmness 18 steps to the balcony, straight lineinstead of L-shaped Solve the problem of lengthy clothes dryingline The obtrusive rainwater pipe is designed asa noise-reducing cat scratch pipe Use simple and gentle materials to assistthe space on the hard installation The elements that continue the space on thesoft decoration make the most comfortable space
书房的美好大概就在小 关上门,一方天地,周遭触手可及,包裹感容易让人静下来 而书里的世界很大,看尽昏朝
The beauty of the study isprobably in the small,When you close the door, you can reach all around, andthe feeling of wrapping is easy to calm down,And the world in the book is verybig. I can't see it.
房间入口处的弧线灯如阿里阿德涅之线 带着我们穿过生活中的迷雾困境 当一切都归零 一切都将成为永恒
The arc lamp at the entrance of the room is like the line of Ariadne, taking us through the fog of life. When everything goes to zero, everything will become eternal.
项目名称:归零至恒 项目地址:中国 北京 空间属性:私人住宅项目 项目面积:64㎡ 室内设计及软装设计:北京营造清美空间设计有限公司 设计总监:Andy 孙佳靓 主创设计:曹庆 设计团队:曹庆 冯兴帆 鲁耀杰 彭雨欣 摄影师:高腾云
北京营造清美空间设计研究院 创始人 / 设计总监 清美营造建筑空间事务所 创始人 / 设计总监
营造清美空间设计机构是由清华大学美术学院环艺系,城市景观设计研究所独立出来的建筑与室内一体化设计事务所。一家集创意、商业模式构建、建筑、景观、室内空间一体化的专业设计创意服务团队,成员强调设计生活化,以多元化创意延续于不同领域空间设计。我们利用不同国度设计师团队成员设计能力来呈现多元化设计体系,以及推广品牌社会价值和商业服务价值高度为品牌核心。 建筑 景观设计 / Architecture / landscape design 单体建筑设计、私人住宅建筑设计、精品景观设计。
每个项目都竭力呈现: 商业价值、用户体验价值及空间美学价值。公司近些年服务于不同国际品牌企业和高品质客户群体,我们用创意和顶层设计理念来呈现设计机构的服务价值,我们通过跨区团队作战服务体系来完整的落地项目,以区域不同的设计团队格局优势来完成专案深化落地工作。
室内空间设计 / Interior design 酒店设计、公共建筑空间设计、企业办公空间设计、地产、私人别墅住宅设计、会所设计、餐饮设计、品牌空间及商业模式创新设计等。