YS Design service@2021
It's comfortable to be in the same world. It's only pleasant to find a good dream.
和光同尘是一个非常有诗意的名字,源自主人公入住后对家的感受而命名,《晋书·宣帝纪论》:“ 和光同尘,与时舒卷;戢鳞潜翼,思属风云。”应该化裁自老子的《道德经》第四章和第五十六章:“挫其锐,解其纷,和其光,同其尘。”这两句话。这四句骈文,照字面意思理解就是:与光合二为一,化为俗世的尘土一般,美在光影之中,和风煦日,温润如初。
There is a combination of emptiness and reality. The porch is decorated with wooden grids, which not only divides the functional porch, but also maintains the sense of secrecy of the living room.
Non standard Hall / is the protagonist's lifestyle. The combination of bar and floor replaces the traditional guest restaurant. You can drink tea, paint and calligraphy, chat, and sleep on the couch.
The bar / counter is designed with a storage space, which is also a place for dining. Delicious food is prepared every day. Two people talk while eating. Life is simple, but three meals a day.
The living room cancels the TV and replaces it with projection. The projection screen is hidden in the ceiling. The background wall under the ceiling is a whole storage cabinet to share part of the storage needs of the family.
Japanese Zen tea table, floor lattice cabinet, ceramic pot flower arrangement, porcelain decorative painting and other soft accessories enrich space emotion and make people feel happy. However, I hope there are 25 hours a day, and the extra hour will stay here.
The master bedroom / bedside background wall adopts wall decoration on the floor, and the wall and ground materials are unified to set off the space more integrally.
The cloakroom / master bathroom is changed to the cloakroom to enhance the storage function of the bedroom. Clothes, bags and bedding can be placed orderly. You can take whatever you need.
Soft lighting, setting off the space atmosphere, breaking the tradition and finding the most suitable way is perfect.
The dresser at the head of the bed and the bedroom are also decorated with a large area of wood elements, which is warm and warm to meet the female owner's preference for wood color.
Yoga Room / Ran Ran Ran's heart, this home finally has an exclusive sports space, a whole mirror, expand the visual space, open and free without depression.
Second bedroom / simple, with temperature and large green plants, introducing nature indoors.
Toilet dry area
作品名称 / 和光同尘
设计施工 / 壹石设计工作室 One stone design studio
建筑面积 / 95㎡
工程地址 / 南京