知識求真,設計求美。在深圳福田竹子林一隅,坐落著九唐設計集團辦公總部。室內面積約3000平方米。九唐設計師用極富個性的創意,編織了一個為設計夢想遮風擋雨的家。 Knowledge seeks truth,design seeks beauty,Jiutang Design Group headquarter office is located in Zhuzilin, Futian,Shenzhen.It has 3000m².Jiutang designers created a dreaming home of their own. 設計師將「極光幻景,燦爛星河」的概念引入辦公大堂,在白色天花四周,拉絲銅質的金屬飄帶蜿蜒出妙曼的曲線。在燈光的映襯下宛若驚鴻,彷彿如縹緲靈動的極光,惹人遐思。白色天花上燈具錯落排列,宛若九天銀河,遼遠無際。窗邊的水景被燈光賦予了律動感,配合天花上的「繁星點點」讓整個大堂空間為之流光溢彩,如夢似幻。 Designers uses 「aurora wonderland,glorious galaxy」as the concept of office lobby. The curving brushed bronze screen is surround the perimeter of white ceiling.the lighting features on the white ceiling are like galaxy. Beside the window, there is an water feature. It perfectly combined with lighting feature to create a wonderland atmosphere of the lobby. 大堂設計概念:極光環境 Lobby Concept: Aurora Wonderland 辦公大堂 Office Lobby 設計師將會議室室內與室外走道做了手法上的對比呼應處理:會議室外走道木色牆面做斜面處理,豐富走道空間的立體感。而進入會議室室內,木質牆面的元素延續進室內,但造型改為更具莊嚴感的直線造型,條形燈帶嵌藏在牆面中,顯得動感十足。會議室室內空間與室外走道中間是透明的玻璃隔斷,在視覺上拉近兩者之間的律動與交互的聯繫。 Designer intentionally make a style contrast between inside and outside of the meeting room:the wall surface on the corridor outside of meeting room is sloped with angles. But the wall inside of meeting room is flat surface.And lighting strips recessed on the meeting room wall to add rhythm into this space.There is a transparent glass partition in between meeting room and corridor to give visual interaction between inside and outside. 會議室 Meeting Room 總裁辦公室的空間被分為兩部分:辦公區和會議休閒區。兩者間由活動隔斷進行分區。桃木色的現代長型辦公桌,搭配簡約的吧台、大面積的植物背景牆,還有現代化的藝術沙發與燈藝,凸顯整體的空間層次感與統一的空間色調,更為整個空間增添了生機和活力。壁龕里破牆而出的雕塑、隨時奔馳的重機車,還有牆上的藝術畫作,無不充滿著強有力的衝擊感到濃濃的藝術氣息。 The chairman office has been separated into two parts: office room and broad room. A wooden operable wall is the boundary of these two spaces.Mahogany desk, simple bar counter, large scale of green plant wall, stylish lighting features and sofa to highlight the sense of depth with unified tonality and space vitality. The metal sculpture on the tabernacle and paint art on the wall are adding the art taste into the space. 總裁辦公室 Chairman Office 進入副總裁辦公室,濃濃的工業風重金屬氣息呈現在眼前。復古的沙發與茶几有年代感的陳放在入門處,接著是一塊長長的實木,加上定制的金屬腳架,呈現原生態的自然藝術之美。由集裝箱改造而成的水吧台再加上燈光的點綴,呈現出工業風的力度感工業之美。 When it comes to vice chairman office, you can feel strong heavy metal industrial style in front of you. The vintage sofa and desk with musical instruments give you a sense of natural beauty.the container style of bar area with lighting to show the beauty of industrial force. 副總裁辦公室 Vice Chairman Office 辦公公區通過玻璃隔斷,白色乳膠漆,清水混凝土等最簡潔的元素搭配實現了辦公空間的開放性和通透性。為九唐設計師們打造了一個極富留白藝術的現代辦公空間。 Through out glass partition, white paint, bare concrete, designer uses these simple elements to achieve openness and transparency of the work station. This style of simplicity makes Jiutang office become a modern office both functional and aesthetical.