科兹纳之家坐落在捷克共和国,一个南波西米亚小镇的历史街区。虽然曾经一再被忽视,但ATELIER 111 建筑事务所觉得它拥有相当好的氛围和极大的潜力。 Kozina House was created in a historical part of a small South Bohemian town in the Czech Republic, once neglected Atelier 111 felt it possessed a rather strong atmosphere and offered potential.
这个地方从一开始就吸引了ATELIER 111,因为它具有鲜明的特色和绝佳的位置。 The place attracted the studio from the beginning for its distinctive character and great location.
在狭窄的安静的街道上,紧挨着Kozina广场的草地,远离周围的喧嚣交通,而离市中心却只有几步之遥,那里有商店、服务和办公室、学校、电影院、剧院和火车站,十分便利。 In the narrow sleepy streets, next to the grassy patch of Kozina Square, the dwelling is hidden from the hustle and bustle of the surrounding traffic, while only a few steps from the town centre with shops, services and offices, schools, cinema, theatre, and railway station.
在建筑方案中,设计师充分利用了每一块面积,设计出一个足够大的客厅和一个相邻的室外露台; The building program makes the most of the modest footprint and includes a sufficiently large living room with an adjoining outdoor terrace ;
一个带儿童房和游戏室的阁楼、一个自带浴室的卧室、一个种有果树的花园、两个车库空间和一个带汽车升降机的大型 an attic with children’s rooms and a playroom, a bedroom with its own bathroom, a garde n with fruit trees, two garages spaces and a large workshop with a car lift.
这座住宅楼是由两座相邻的房子连接而成的。其中一座在世纪之交经历了大规模的重建,另一座则处于失修状态。ATELIER 111舍弃了一些不合适的现代元素,例如一个带阳台和塑料窗户的大天窗。 The residential building is created by connecting two neighbouring houses. One of them underwent a significant reconstruction at the turn of the millennium, the other one is in a state of disrepair. The studio removed the unsuitable modern elements, such as a large dormer with a balcony and plastic windows.
在砖块的背后,设计团队发现了原始的石头砌体和有价值的历史碎片。他们在尊重原有体量的基本形状、规模和材质的基础上,调整了内部布局,使广场上的行人和车辆可以分别从建筑两侧进入。 Behind the brick backing, they discovered original stone masonry and small historical fragments which hold value. Respecting the basic shape, scale, and materiality of the original masses the design team adjusted the internal disposition in an effort to make the building accessible from two sides – for pedestrians from the square and for cars from the opposite side.
庭院山墙上的大窗户能够捕捉到外部教堂塔楼的独特景色,而庭院内部的景色,则丰富了空间的整体感知。设计团队特意在新建的开窗上采用极简的方式,以便与原有的传统栅格窗形成对比。 The large window in the gable of the courtyard facade captures the unique view of the church tower. Views from the interior of the courtyards enrich the overall perception of the space and the newly created openings create a contrast with the original traditionally divided windows.
建筑设计 | Atelier 111 Architekti 地址 | Růžová 232, 374 01 Trhové Sviny, 捷克 主创建筑师 | Barbora Weinzettlová, Jiří Weinzettl 主持建筑师 | Jiří Weinzettl Sr. 项目年份 | 2021 建筑面积 | 317.0 平方米 摄影师 | Alex Shoots Buildings
Atelier 111 Architekti 是位于捷克的一家建筑工作室,他们获得的第一个荣誉是 2002 年塔博尔市城市空间处理开放式建筑竞赛的特别奖,在接下来的几年里,工作室开始不断扩大。 除了住宅设计、公共建筑设计和工业建筑设计,自 2006 年以来,他们还了沼气厂项目。 2010 年,他们成立了 Johann Hochreiter 公司,该公司很快成为捷克共和国最重要的沼气厂供应商之一。