
CLV赛拉维设计  / 发表于 2021-10-25 10:31:28 |精品样板[严选]  / 赛拉维设计

As a famous educator chang po-ling hometown, tianjin collect inside the city filled with knowledge of humanities, and the name of nankai district "can allow fair, with each passing day" cultural attribute is the academic and historical essence in tianjin, each walk street lane, everywhere can feel people lapping up, wen yi yi mental outlook.

精致舒适而又富有文脉精髓的高品质空间永不乏忠诚的拥趸,当时空斗转千年,苍松翠柏,草木枯荣,人们回首处最在意的仍然是城市的历史与文化神髓。There is no lack of loyal fans in the exquisite, comfortable and high-quality space with the essence of culture. At that time, the sky had turned for thousands of years, while the pines, cypress and vegetation were withered and glorious, people still care most about the history and culture of the city when looking back.

People when they are idle light scattered roaming, meanwhile, with a polite gesture means in cold almost feel wood, see mountain long day late times change, one is green and quiet elegance hover alongside, familiar with Oriental gene and the humanities exalted guest is a space temperament is an ornament, and from "nankai youth" open space, like a long curly step-back-in-time charm of the landscape, Slowly spread out in front of people......

充满线索感的隔断元素将人们的思绪拉回到南开学派初创时期,那些斑驳了历史光影的痕迹在现代语境下被潜心转译,它们标定了如今的审美与意趣,也丈量着新意仪式感和矜贵的体验,亦代表着前来探索者的书香雅意,为初识人们的潜在社交提供情感的序厅。Full of clues to the partition element of feeling to people's thoughts back to the nankai school start-up period, those mottled historical traces of light and shadow was involved in the context of modern translation, the aesthetics and interest they calibration now, also measure the new ceremony and the feeling of pity your experience, and also represents the elegant your kindness to explorer, to meet people's potential social provide emotional sequence hall.

有感于此地的人文气息,并以此为契机,让凝练于传统文化脉搏的跃动在此陈陈相因,中轴对称的仪式典范被完整承袭,诗书大家的礼制圭臬依然是当今社会最受尊崇的准行标杆,在谦逊的格局之中浸透浓郁而有新意的精神连结。Impressed by the cultural atmosphere here, and take this opportunity to make the concise traditional culture the movement of the pulse in the neo-realistic, the ritual of axisymmetric model is complete, now everybody's ritual philosophy in today's society is still the most revered quasi line, benchmarking in the pattern of the humble penetration of rich innovative spirit.

Step progressive transformation, follow the "Jin Lin brocade carp" the floating dark lines to explore space, always didn't mean to be aggressive, but in casual turned or lifted brow accidentally met, and a faint think of chang po-ling create nankai raise funds has opened south of distinctions brocade carp strong story, and then smile, yao zhang old patriotism education, in a sustainable, In doubt and predicament, the spirit of Nankai will finally be brilliant and flourishing.

The space retains the elements of the rotating staircase, and emphasizes its geometry and symmetry. In the turning Spaces, it seems to experience a dialogue between history and present, recalling the city's past and its determination to carry forward the future.

Respect for the ancient meaning is not rigid and obstinately, the light and elegant spiral staircase is the unbreaking presence of the ceremony sequence, it reminds people of the old memories of tianjin "International Architecture Exposition", but also become the silhouette of the glorious moments in modern Chinese history.

在更个人化的空间,沉浸式设计将来者带入到民国气氛中,沉淀心境后便可以直抒胸臆,与友人畅聊古今;时代的巨轮下,节奏和审美不断变化,但经久沉淀下来的是文脉与基因,可以跨越时间和空间的距离,依然在现代都市精英的心中植入典范的尊贵气质。In a more personalized space, immersive design brings visitors into the atmosphere of the Republic of China. After settling their mood, they can express their feelings directly and chat with friends about ancient and modern times. Under the great wheel of The Times, the rhythm and aesthetics are constantly changing, but what has been settled over time is the context and genes, which can transcend the distance of time and space, and still implant the noble temperament of the model in the heart of the modern urban elite.

在这里,一切连接艺术、自然、美学、人文的物件都会发生碰撞从而产生灵感,静心交流以唤醒触动人心的感官之旅。Here, everything that connects art, nature, aesthetics and humanity will collide to generate inspiration, meditation and communication to awaken the sensual journey that touches people's hearts.

Properties of a city lies in the culture, is the story of the condensation on the land, for the tianjin nankai district, "and have learned scholar, between us no white" is the best annotation of humanities, it is the most abundant cultural location of dense tianjin, fascinated with "nankai feelings" of the urban elite haunting, and nankai also because of their continuous advance form now, Reproducing the unique charm of historical elegance with a modern rhythm, constantly innovating and polishing the glory of the city's highest point.

In the field of classical aesthetics, techniques and materials are only the level of "techniques", while the important "tao" is the continuous transmission of nankai spirit. Master style is always stirring in the high-quality space, but also in the hearts of people full of nankai feelings, in the most ordinary and ideal days, writing a new chapter of the city.

项目名称 | 天津旭辉铂悦·公望
The project name | tianjin xu hui platinum yue, male
甲方团队 | 旭辉集团
Party a team | xu hui group
项目地址 | 天津市南开区
Project address | tianjin nankai district
设计公司 | 赛拉维设计 CLV.DESIGN
DESIGN company | CLV sellav DESIGN. The DESIGN
软装设计 | 美好生活
Soft outfit design | a better life
总设计师 | 王少青
Chief designer | shao-qing wang
设计主创 | 董皓翔、杨贵钧
Design | sometimes Dong Haoxiang, Yang Guijun
设计团队 | 周方园、陈超、彭渺渺、陈秋硕、刘佳、宋磊
Design team | Zhou Fangyuan, Chen, peng he, Chen Qiushuo, Helen, Song Lei
建筑设计 | 滙张思建筑设计
Architectural design | remit Zhang Si architecture design
景观设计 | 朗道国际景观设计
Landscape design | landau international landscape design
摄影团队 | 麒文摄影
Photography photography team | jiaqi

赛拉维CLV历经9年沉淀,共荣获500余座国内外设计大奖,造就这支凝聚共同梦想的300人设计团队,设计作品已遍布全国各大主要城市。我们秉承“ 设计美好生活 ”的设计哲学,已将“ 赛拉维CLV ”打造为影响中国当代设计发展的企业品牌。


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