境象万千,基于生活 看似平淡,却蕴藏着无数个梦的入口 释放空灵与居家之美... Wabi-sabi is like life. Seemingly plain, but it can contain the beautyof timelessness Release ethereal and soothing beauty
室内面积 / 207㎡
空间性质 / 跃层 项目进展 / 待开工 合作模式 / 全案设计 全程托管 项目设计、施工、软装 / 观享际SKH室内设计
Porch GuanXiangJi SKH Design 玄关
入户的一瞬长长的过道在眼前铺延开来 我们打通原有平台纳入室内
A moment of entry.The long aisle spreads out infront of you.We open up the original platform and incorporate it into theroom.Increase the storage function of the entrance hall.Irregular full-length mirror.Make the space of limited scale extend infinitely in the present
02. Living Room / Restaurant GuanXiangJi SKH Design 客餐厅
空阔 圆滑的弧形挑高燕麦牛奶般丝滑的色调楼梯与背景像似隐藏的画笔勾勒出朦胧细腻的客餐厅区域
Empty and wide, sleek arc height.Silky shades ofoatmeal milk.Stairs and backgrounds look like hidden brushes.Outline the hazyand delicate guest restaurant area.Free and comfortable furniture layout.Yicombines with each other between lines and structures.Create a unique sense ofvolume in the space [size=13.3333px]
03. Master Bedroom GuanXiangJi SKH Design 主卧
睡眠空间推崇自然美学保留天然原木肌理 加以绿植点缀缔造轻盈 高级 文艺的空间氛围
灵动光影 素雅本色令人平缓放松 远离尘嚣享受身陷自然地愉悦心境
Sleep space respects natural aesthetics.Preservethe natural log texture and embellish it with green plants.Create a light,high-end, literary and artistic space atmosphere.Smart light andshadow.Soothing and relaxing.Enjoy being in a naturally happy mood [size=13.3333px]
04. Bathroom GuanXiangJi SKH Design 主卫
利用挑高 扩大二层卫浴空间梦幻与功能结合 提升生活舒适度 弧形结构弱化空间棱角没有过度粉饰 诠释洁净通透
Use the ceiling to expand the bathroom space on thesecond floor.Dual independent systems improve the comfort of the homeowners andcouples.The arc structure weakens the edges and corners of the space.Noexcessive whitewashing, clean and transparent interpretation [size=13.3333px]
05.Guest Room GuanXiangJi SKH Design 次卧
▽ 次卧一
不论小小蜗居还是豪华别墅,每个案子都有其唯一性和不可替代性,从客户需求出发进行设计,细节到家中每一个成员的生活习惯及方式,考虑其未来十年内的使用需求,才能造就独一无二,并获得客户的肯定。 ——沈烤华
▽ 次卧二
The designer restores the thinking aspect to theresidence.Reserve room for elders and children.Realize functional requirementsand spatial order.Contemporary paintings become a blend of space.Show uniqueingenuity from details.If this space is not moving.There is no more romance inthe world
Floor Plan GuanXiangJi SKH Design 平面图