Flipping into the future through design in the transition between the old and the new
在蕞尔之地 开启无限想象 立足时代转折 用设计翻转未来 象征希望的暖橙色 瞬间点亮空间 潮来潮往 人才汇聚 向宇宙许愿 让梦想成真
Infinite imagination sets foot in a small finite area. Design flips into the future at the pivot point of time. Warm tangerine color, which symbolize hope, sparks up the space in an instant. Talents gather to make a wish into the universe in the hope that dreams may come true.
与美好生活相遇Encountering a Beautiful Life
汲一方水土之最 让应许之地 承载希望 光影流动 绿意蔓延 筑梦踏实 美好生活尽在眼前 Gathering the purest water and soil in one location, and let hope follows the light and shadow along the greenery into actualization, where one can encounter a beautiful life.
设计 使空间定位具象化 Design – Visualizing Spatial Positioning
设计将地图嵌入地面,此项目模型则从其地理位置具象立体、放大,让人感受接地气的深度连结。温暖的橙色、巨石装置艺术,彰显举重若轻的地位,彰显此区将成为人文荟萃之地、城市发展重心。 The entrance hall design embeds the map into the ground, and enlarges its geographical location to create a deep connection with the region. Warm tangerine color and the giant decorative stone symbolizes the ability of the strong to make the most difficult challenges appear easy, to demonstrate that this area will become a place where talents gather, while acting as the heart of urban development.
让家延伸 自在交流 Extend Home and Communicate Freely 以自家客厅延伸的概念设计而成的公共区,天花板悬挂绿意盎然的植栽,彷佛将自然景观纳入室内,带来舒压放松的气氛,不论天花、楼梯、甚至沙发座椅、壁面表示层架,皆延续入户大堂的暖橙色调,带来宾至如归的感受,让彼此能轻松自在交流互动。
The design of the public space is an extension of the living room concept. Greenery hangs down from the ceiling to draw in a sense of natural scenery indoors to provide a soothing atmosphere. Warm orange color fills the ceiling, stairway, sofas, and wall-displays to create a welcoming feeling for guests to interact with ease.
为空间挹注暖意Instilling Warmth into the Room
暖橙色天花 如潮水涌入 挹注一室温馨 杯觥交错 情感交流 尽在不言中 品茗叙旧 一茶一世界 暖意无限蔓延 Warm tangerine color pours into the room via the ceiling like a wave of water, so that guests can indulge in the warmth of emotions. Words cannot define how one can reminisce and savor each moment in this endless, welcoming atmosphere.
色彩延续 装饰与机能互融 Stretching Colors to Infuse Decoration and Funtionality
圆桌上曲线造型的灯饰,超越了照明的机能, 形成空间中的装置艺术,让会所用餐区,成为赏心悦目的存在。 The honeycomb design in the ceiling and the colors of the dining chairs resonate with the overall orange tone. The curvy lighting that hands above the circular table serves more than illumination but adds an artistic touch to the dining area. Its existence is more than pleasing.
宾主尽欢 自在交流的沙龙 A Salon For the Host and Guests to Interact Freely
一旁沙发区的暖橙色灯光,不采用均质的明亮照明设计,营造出慵懒的沙龙(Salon)气氛,让微醺的宾客,在此彻底纾压。 The warm tangerine lights alongside the sofa area has been purposely chosen to avoid homogeneous, bright lighting in order to create a cozy, salon-like atmosphere, where guests may relax after having a few drinks.
品味 从一盏茶的时间开始 Taste – Begins with a Pot of Tea
The design of the tea-room, on the other hand, is of a differ style. The solid, wooden materials used in the elegant, Eastern tables has the touch of the simplicity and neatness of Western designs. The circular shelve on the wall is composed of wooden material and vines, each adds its own unique pattern on the surface. Together with a ceramic vase and plant decors, this room exerts an intriguing tranquility and timelessness.
动如脱兔Move like a Rabbit
亮眼的橙 指引前行 希望近在咫尺 挥汗如雨 热情奔放 成果垂手可得 Bright orange color points the way to hope. Where one can exercise and sweat without constraint, and passionately reach for ones’ dreams so close at hand.
健身房以几何图形的三角形拼贴,隐含动线指引的效果,刻意将不锈钢管线外露,呈现如同法国庞毕度中心的风格语汇,为健身区带来激励、振奋的现代感。 The gym is formed by various triangles and other geometric shapes, subconsciously guiding the movement along the designed path. The stainless-steel pipelines have been left out purposely to mimic the Centre Georges-Pompidou in France, and to bring about an inspiring and uplifting modern sensation to the fitness area.
让虚拟与现实连结 Connecting the Virtual Environment with Reality
悠游网海 无须言语 在虚拟与现实中 获得抒放 用心观照世界 不出门 亦知天下事 The Internet allows us to set ourselves free without speaking a word; one can reach the furthest corners of the world without ever stepping outside.
因应现代人频繁使用网络工作、搜寻、娱乐的特性,在会所设置商务、娱乐两用的计算机区, 延伸整体设计的暖橙色调与几何造型,加上不规则灯光铺陈及计算机游戏图腾的墙面装饰,如入未来世界。 The computer section is divided into a business and an entertainment section because of how widely we use the Internet for work, search, and entertainment. Orange color and geometric shape once again extends the overall design, supplemented by creative lighting layouts and gaming decors to create a futuristic atmosphere.
项目名称:江门海悦尚珩华庭 新成屋 项目设计:森境设计/王俊宏 参与设计:黎荣亮、周泉、李冠豪、王高进、王秋云、黄振烘、黄观武 摄影团队:KPS/游宏祥 座落位置:广东省 主要建材:微水泥、水磨石磁砖、烤漆、镜面不锈钢、岩板、BOLON 设计面积:2300平方米 设计时间:2019/DEC. 施工时间:2020/DEC.
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