
达人设计  / 发表于 2021-3-24 10:31:20 |商业公装[严选]  / 地产售楼处/泛会所




Concept·澄 怀

The Landscape Curls In The Transpiring Mist Turned Into Agility Rhythm And Vigorous Imposing Manner.

Starting from the construction and the environment by weakening the traces of design techniques to restore the spacial essence,space exits which cutting out a part from the unified and continuous nature to be the realm of man.

Attached to the texture, a geometrical forms space from sheet to form, The use of stone and aluminum plates conveys the beauty of purity, extremeness, and lightness.

The antique copper metal box in the front hall is in conflict and contrasts with the quiet and elegant large space, as if human are examined in the magnificent and continuous nature.

The large-span vertical beam in the space treats its inclined surface, which organically echoes the oblique eaves of the building, and eliminates the visual perception that the vertical beam may bring. The sunlight tilts into the room, sprinkling soft and friendly light and shadow.

Harmony·合 一


Arrangement of the installation lights twisted into stereoscopic geometric shapes, extending to the ceiling, the clear visual impact agitated, creating a new order and logic in the interior.

"see the world in a small place." Surrounded by the scenery on both sides of Discussion Area, to be here is like being in nature, and the wave is rippling to boundless as endless time-space, and people free themself from desires.

the time corridor towards the model rooms where light and shadow flowing on the old photos. What we look back at is not only history, but also the secular life in history. People have to go through several choices before finally walking into the inner sanctuary of the soul and setting aside half a lifetime of wandering.

儿童区主墙以半弧状延伸,两侧墙体渐变绿色渲染,如同被幽林秀竹包裹,弧形墙中心不规则的椭圆开窗,配合软装饰品恰到好处的点缀,给孩子们以森林秘境般的趣味体验。The main wall of the Children Area extends in a semi-arc shape, and the walls on both sides are rendered in gradual green, as if they are wrapped by bamboos in the forest. The irregular elliptical windows in the center of the curved wall are decorated with soft ornaments to give the children a forest secret. Fun experience.
Sporadic·洒 落

芜湖是长江沿岸重要的港口城市。以船概念设计的装置,是在自然雕刻留白的内空间里呈现的历史记忆。Wuhu is an important port city along the Yangtze River. The device designed with the concept of a ship is a historical memory presented in the inner space of the natural sculpture.

In the boundless world of rippling space, everyone is a point in the vast universe. The way that people break through from the life situation is the deep self-confidence of life.

waves bite the clear memory of history, time absorbs the information of water, and rolls up the initial comfort.

the wave shape device rolling and moving, produced by 3D-tech, the floating and flexible rhythms collide with a space that is as close to nature as possible.

The reception desk is like a stone washed by the river water thousands of times. It has been aphasic at the bottom of the water. At this time, it sits on its own and manages the tides inside Jian.

Reduce form, blended in the realm. The "form weakening" of the design traces, sensitively capturing the spirit of the times, subtraction, convergence and symbiosis, are the respect for the regional context of the natural environment.




项目名称 | 中梁旭辉铂悦滨江
项目业主 | 中梁控股集团
项目地点 | 安徽芜湖
设计面积 | 1800㎡
设计时间 | 2020年10月
建成时间 | 2021年1月
室内设计 | VGC韦高成设计
总设计师 | 罗伟
设计团队 | 冯瑜瑜、孔政
甲方设计团队 | 孙亮、胡庆平、陈海娇、彭杉、吕远、王琦、朱天
项目摄影 | WYAP文耀影像&相形空间摄影

VGC创始人兼总设计师 / 罗伟

罗伟,人文设计及谨程精绝的探索者,善于思考与践行,注重人与环境相互的关系 ;平衡于艺术与商业之间的取舍;作品自然而然、化繁为简,细腻温润、富有情感。


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