
Edition Office--简致生活的本质
禾木木  / 发表于 2021-3-3 18:28:32 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Edition Office是位于澳大利亚墨尔本一家屡获殊荣的建筑及室内设计工作室,由创始人Aaron Roberts和Kim Bridgland成立于2016年。工作室通过建造工作和实践,专注于对材料和空间实践的深入研究。他们赞美勇气和原材料,知识和关怀。
Edition Office is an award-winning architecture and interior design studio in Melbourne, Australia, founded in 2016 by founders Aaron Roberts and Kim Bridgland. The studio focuses on the in-depth study of materials and space practices through construction work and practice. They celebrate courage and raw materials, knowledge and caring.

创始人Aaron Roberts毕业于墨尔本皇家理工大学并获得建筑学硕士学位,在塔斯马尼亚大学获得环境和城市设计学士学位。Aaron对各种建筑类型都有丰富的经验,他专注于研究环境与地形对建筑的影响。另一位创始人Kim Bridgland是一位无论在国内还是国际都享有声望的实践艺术家。他毕业于纽卡斯尔大学并获得建筑学学士学位,和Aaron Roberts一样,他也是毕业于墨尔本皇家理工大学并以优异成绩获得建筑学硕士学位。

Founder Aaron Roberts holds a master of architecture degree from the royal Melbourne institute of technology and a bachelor of environmental and urban design degree from the university of Tasmania. Aaron has extensive experience in a variety of building types, focusing on the impact of environment and terrain on architecture. Another founder, Kim Bridgland, is a nationally and internationally renowned practicing artist. He graduated from the university of Newcastle with a bachelor of architecture degree and, like Aaron Roberts, from the royal institute of technology university in Melbourne with a master of architecture degree with honours.

尽管Aaron Roberts和Kim Bridgland都在各自生活的不同地方,但他们很快意识到他们拥有共同的兴趣和影响,包括文化和建筑。他们开始在之前的实践中以不同的角色和职责一起工作,但是在相对较短的时间内,这些共同的影响和对更有思想性的输出的关注导致了他们在实践中更强的协作。除了精心的设计,Roberts和Bridgland在工作中也采用了多方面且经过深思熟虑的方法,不仅理解了项目的美学和功能,而且也了解了其文化影响和意义。他们旨在影响与之互动的人们的积极变化,并不可避免地受到他们创造的空间的影响。

Although Aaron Roberts and Kim Bridgland were both at different places in their own lives at the time, we soon came to realize that they had a shared set of interests and influences, both cultural and architectural. Several years later they began working together in a previous practice with different roles and responsibilities yet over a relatively short period these shared influences and concerns for a more thoughtful output led to stronger collaborations between them within the practice. Beyond meticulous design, Roberts and Bridgland have a multifaceted and highly considered approach to their work, perceiving not just the aesthetic and function of a project but it’s cultural impact and significance, too. They aim to influence positive change on the people that interact with and are inevitably influenced by the spaces they create.

Edition Office在建筑,文化和政治交汇处的多元化设计和艺术社区中充当着文化媒介,在澳大利亚各地的许多演讲和出版物中都有贡献。通过执行工作,工作室正在创造一系列持续的人物,故事和关系。Edition Office专注于研究物质,空间和文化习俗三者关系。这种做法已在国内和国际上获得认可,并以其出色的表现而获奖。

Edition Office serves as a cultural medium in the diverse design and arts communities at the intersection of architecture, culture and politics, contributing to numerous lectures and publications throughout Australia. By performing the work, the studio is creating a continuous series of characters, stories and relationships. Edition Office focuses on the relationship between substance, space and cultural conventions. This approach has been recognized nationally and internationally and has been rewarded for its outstanding performance.


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Wengsheng 发表于 2021-3-4 11:12:32 | 显示全部楼层
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