
禾木木  / 发表于 2021-2-9 13:33:17 |精品样板[严]  / ★国外住宅




PPAA是一家位于墨西哥的建筑及室内设计工作室,由创始人Pablo Perez Palacios成立。工作室在材料的选择上非常谨慎,喜欢使用原始的和天然的材料,并且他们真正受到大自然的启发。他们相信建筑是基于意图、概念、感觉、氛围,换句话说就是想法,但有了这些所谓的想法,它真的是一个能表达内涵或想法的建筑。
PPAA is an architecture and interior design studio in Mexico founded by Pablo Perez Palacios. The studio was very careful in its choice of materials, preferring to use raw and natural materials, and they were really inspired by nature. They believe that architecture is based on intention, concept, feeling, atmosphere, in other words, ideas, but with these so-called ideas, it is really a building that expresses meaning or ideas.

Pablo Perez Palacios于1980年生于墨西哥的首都墨西哥城。2000-2005年期间,在意大利佛罗伦萨进行研究,后来在巴塞罗那的伊比利亚美洲大学和加泰罗尼亚理工大学完成建筑研究。在获得Bayon Artell Stores项目后,他与Alfonso de la Concha 共同经营DCPP建筑事务所。2009年5月,他获得CONACYT奖学金,并从纽约哥伦比亚大学研究生院高级建筑设计理学硕士毕业。

Pablo Perez Palacios was born in 1980 in Mexico City, the capital of Mexico. Prior to doing research in Florence, Italy, he completed architectural studies at the Ibero-American University in Barcelona and the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, during 2000-2005. After acquiring the Bayon Artell Stores project, he ran DCPP architects with Alfonso DE la Concha. In May 2009, he received a CONACYT Scholarship and graduated with a Master of Science in Advanced Architectural Design from Columbia University Graduate School of Architecture in New York City.


PPAA believes that form, materials, and architectural solutions to spatial problems always follow and respond to the original intention or idea. Even before they start a project, they put into words what the architect wants to convey, what the project wants to create, and then turn it into an architectural form.


The PPAA liked to think that their understanding of architecture meant that work could not be done without considering public and personal intentions. Therefore, the concept of architecture is based on the understanding of the body and the relationship between each person and the surrounding environment. Furthermore, in order for a building to convey an idea or intention, it must speak of the individual, or the sum of the individuals, and their relationship to the environment, on a sensory and emotional level.


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