
沃纳迪家居  / 发表于 2021-1-29 11:11:55 |精品样板[严选]  / S.U.N.孙文设计
Creative is not only just mean by making something new, it's also re-developing something familiar as unknown.

  杭州旭辉未来城 PROJECT  
对于大自然总是充满无限的向往生活源于自然艺术源于生活城市延伸-自然生长Spent a long time in the crowdAlways full of infinite yearning for natureLife comes from natureWhile art comes from lifeUrban Extension-Natural Growth

  建筑外立面 FACADE  
  建筑分析 ANALYSIS  

绝佳的自然山色, 优越的地理环境。建筑通过与首层商业带的叠加,屋顶空间的起伏,构筑出山势层峦叠起的视觉效果。
Excellent environment with natural scenery,the building is superimposed with the commercial zone on the first floor, and the undulation of the roof space creates a visual effect of the overlapping mountains.

从杭州城市累积数千年的建筑文化出发,孙文设计事务所利用生态自然的艺术感, 打造艺术活力社区的理念。
Starting from the architectural culture in Hangzhou, S.U.N DESIGN uses the artistic sense of ecology and nature to create the concept of an artistic and vibrant community.

入口处融合了人文与自然的微妙互动。 一株枝叶纷繁的树与如缓慢延迟落下的水滴状艺术作品交错而立,小小一隅, 却囊括了自然的静美与峥嵘。
The entrance is a subtle interaction between humanity and nature. A tree with branches and leaves intersects with a drop-shaped artwork that falls slowly and slowly.

▼ 树在水中长
The tree grows in the water

艺术家荷亥·梅耶的Spiritual Connection“ 精神连接”雕塑就像一个自然奇观。他的作品以探索“迁移”作为主题,传达对家乡自然美景片刻的眷恋。
The sculpture Spiritual Connection from Artist Hehai Mayer is like a natural wonder. His works uses "migration" as the theme, conveying a moment of nostalgia for the natural beauty of his hometown.

The bird is singing on branches

▼船在林间行The boat is travelling through forest

The top surface of the model area introduces natural light into the interior, creating a vivid art community in the city.

In the interior,  we tried to find the feeling of inner tranquility and build a retreat to rest in nature.

▼ 人在画中行People are walking in the painting

Wander freely in the space, the reflective material adds more vivid texture to the space, evokes the atmosphere of openness and freedom.

▼ 除了生机以外,融入轻盈和自由
With vitality,lightness and freedom

洽谈区温润的皮质和手感厚实的木质交相辉映, 使整个空间呈现出休闲、舒适、自然之感。
The warm leather and thick wood in the negotiation area complement each other, making the entire space of leisure, comfort and nature.

我们愈加追求自然的回归、 自由的生活与内心向往的环境,以「 拥抱自然 · 享受艺术」 的心念寻找栖息地。
We are increasingly pursuing the return of nature, a free life, and an environment that we yearn for, looking for habitats of "embrace nature and enjoy art".

水吧区充斥着灰绿色源于自然,低调沉稳,是自然色彩中的隐士,不似森林绿的青翠欲滴, 带着一丝灰的优雅怡然。
The water bar area is full of gray-green, originated from nature. It is a hermit in natural colors, not like the verdant green of the forest, but with a hint of gray elegance.

安静的表面下涌动着活力,给人和平、新鲜的感觉,永远是那么柔和而纯粹, 散发着独有的优雅韵味 。
The quiet surface is full of vitality, giving people a feeling of peace and freshness, always so soft and pure, exuding a unique elegant charm.

城市在无限的延伸、 生长,
衍生出人与城市、 人与自然相融
The city is infinitely extending and growing,
Derive the integration of people and city,
people and nature

项目名称 | 未来旭辉城
业主单位 | 旭辉集团
业主团队 | 屠冰洁 袁新蒙 魏自建
项目地址 | 杭州
室内面积 | 600㎡
室内设计 | 孙文设计事务所
创意总监 | 孙洪涛
方案设计 | 郑水方、蔡启铭
软装设计 | 卢佳、蒋婷
深化设计 | 郑雪玲、戴男
项目摄影 | 李恒


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