在纷繁的当代社会,车水马龙的都市让人变得浮躁,渴望有一处可以寻求内心安定的空间,对于普通的我们来说,便是家的意义,无关大小,自此 一屋二人三餐四季 余生漫漫皆是你…… In the complicated modern society, the busy city makes people become impetuous, eager to have a place to seek inner peace of mind, for ordinary us, it is the meaning of home, regardless of size, since then, one house two people three meals four seasons, it's GonNa be you the rest of your life..
原户型的客厅比较传统,入口进入,两边分别是平行空间的餐厅跟客厅,我们将入口区域往客厅内退,制作一个悬挑的鞋柜,解决原来无法放置鞋柜的问题,同时将客厅与餐厅做了功能及视觉上的区分!将南阳台也纳入客厅空间,由于原建筑原因,阳台窗下墙体比较高,我们在阳台区域做了地面抬高处理,一定程度上平衡高差带来的视觉不对等的关系! The living room of the original huxing is more traditional. The entrance is entered, and the two sides are the dining room and the living room with parallel spaces respectively. We will retreat to the entrance area inside the living room and make a cantilevered shoe cabinet to solve the problem of not being able to put the shoe cabinet in the original, at the same time the living room and dining room to do the functional and Visual Distinction! Will also include the south balcony living room space, due to the original architectural reasons, the balcony window wall is relatively high, we have done in the balcony area of the ground elevation treatment, a certain degree of balance height difference brought about by the visual unequal relationship! ▼ 空间细节 ,Detail ©S-FUNDESIGN
异形沙发与落地灯相得益彰,电视墙采用石材与木格栅的镶嵌处理,让客厅更加的整洁有序…… Abnormity Sofa and floor lamp complement each other perfectly, TV wall uses the mosaic processing of stone and Wood Grille, let sitting room more neat and orderly..
▼ 入户门厅 , Entrance Hall&S-FUNDESIGN
厨房与餐厅连接处 我们预留一个大扇的长虹玻璃移门,增加餐厅与厨房的动线连接,北阳台留作休闲及餐厅延展空间使用。入户门正对区域做了一个装饰酒柜,满足一定收纳,同时让我们在开门入户时有一个视觉落脚点…… At the connection point between the kitchen and the dining room, we reserve a large fan of Changhong glass sliding door to increase the dynamic connection between the dining room and the kitchen. The entrance door is making a decorative wine cabinet to the area to meet certain storage, at the same time let us have a visual foothold when opening the door..
白纱窗帘下,暖色灯光中,一杯茶,一本书,一份休闲自得…… Under the White Gauze Curtain, in the warm color light, a cup of tea, a book, a leisure from..
深灰色硬包背景,绸缎式窗帘,搭以意式床,谧静中得以释放内心的焦灼!简单的空间辅以简单的生活…… Dark Gray hard bag background, satin curtains, with italian-style bed, quiet to release the inner anxiety! Simple space with simple life..
衣帽间 ,Cloakroom ©S-FUNDESIGN
茶色玻璃柜门,全明式衣帽间,让穿着打扮在日常生活中更富仪式感…… Tawny Glass Doors, all-ming-style cloakroom, so that dressing up in daily life more ritualistic feeling..
▼ 原始户型图 ,Original floor plan |