
Chahan Minassian--巴黎浪漫的设计进化
禾木木  / 发表于 2021-1-22 19:37:43 |精品样板[严选]  / ★国外住宅/外国设计师




Chahan Interior Design是一家位于法国巴黎的室内设计工作室,由创始人Chahan Minassian成立于1993年。1999年,工作室在巴黎左岸广场中心开设了一个秘密的陈列室。这么多年以来,工作室以豪华案例呈现,甚至炮制并赋予“Chahan”风格:纹理、灯光、稀有收藏品、干净线条、历史参考和永恒设计。
Chahan Interior Design is an Interior Design studio in Paris, France, founded in 1993 by founder Chahan Minassian. In 1999, the studio opened a secret showroom in the center of Paris's Left Bank plaza. Over the years, the studio has presented luxury cases and even produced and given "Chahan" style: textures, lighting, rare collections, clean lines, historical references and timeless designs.

Chahan Minassian出生于黎巴嫩,亚美尼亚裔,1976年定居巴黎。他一直保持着一种国际化的生活方式。标志性风格让他成为最著名的巴黎室内设计师之一。他曾担任Ralph Lauren的欧洲创意总监长达7年,负责北美、欧洲和远东的多个项目,从奢侈品牌的商业空间到私人住宅。
Chahan Minassian was born in Lebanon, of Armenian descent, and settled in Paris in 1976. He has always maintained an international lifestyle. His signature style has made him one of the most famous Parisian interior designers. He was Ralph Lauren's Creative director for Europe for seven years, overseeing projects in North America, Europe and the Far East, from commercial Spaces for luxury brands to private homes.

在黎巴嫩长大的Chahan Minassian深受东西方设计的影响。Chahan Minassian的作品反映了他在时尚行业的多年经验,以及他对精致材料和艺术工艺的热情。他推崇使用丰富的装饰、永恒的线条和雕塑体量,这是一个庆祝高级时装完成的专家工艺。
Chahan Minassian, who grew up in Lebanon, was influenced by both Eastern and Western designs. Chahan Minassian's work reflects his many years of experience in the fashion industry and his passion for fine materials and artisanal craftsmanship. He admires the use of rich ornamentation, timeless lines and sculptural volumes, an expert craft that celebrates the completion of high fashion.

Chahan Minassian在某种程度上被称为“美国人”,他着迷于20世纪50年代美国家具的比例和工艺,他在这一行业的第一个突破是经营稀有收藏品的古董经销商。Chahan十多年来专注于装饰,同时也致力于他在巴黎的画廊。Chahan Minassian可以被定义为一只“眼睛”。敏锐、精确、精选、精炼——他把这些运用到他所有的活动中:室内设计、装饰、策划、画廊。
Chahan Minassian, known to some as the "American," was fascinated by the proportions and craftsmanship of 1950s American furniture, and his first break in the business was as an antique dealer in rare collectibles. Chahan has been focusing on decoration for more than a decade, while also working on his gallery in Paris. Chahan Minassian can be defined as an "eye." Keen, precise, selective, refined - he applies these to all his activities: interior design, decoration, curation, gallery.


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