
水相设计--墨片 Black Picture
沃纳迪家居  / 发表于 2020-12-8 15:40:50 |精品样板[严选]  / 水相设计

在色彩到不了的世界,少了以颜色理解真实的共鸣与意义,日常熟悉的物体陌生了,始以全新路径欣赏光影的轮廓布局。Ina colorless world, without the resonance and meanings from colors, the familiardaily objects become strange;hence, the outlineand layout of light and shadow are appreciated from a new perspective.

灰,是黑与白共用的影子   Gray is the shadow shared by black andwhite

The design in thiscase is characterized by the removal of mixture of colors and the use of binarylogic of simply black and white. According to the employer’s preference forcolor, Waterfrom Design views the color design of this pace as monochrome painting:the outline, texture of objects, as well as the three-dimensional sense shapedby light and shadow can indeed by accentuated without the interference ofcolors.

但净化色彩并非仅有绝对而两极的黑与白互衬,我们必须创造两者间的灰阶地带,恰如毕卡索的黑白画《玛丽-特蕾莎,正面和侧面》,多种层度的灰色和谐地交杂于黑白间,表现各种进退面的阴影。单纯色相能使复杂的轮廓安静下来,令人开始欣赏细节的微妙之处,灰阶成了对现实的一种简单想像。However, the purecolor is not only the black and white that are absolute and at opposite ends;varied shades of gray between black and white could be created, just asPicasso’s “Marie-Thérèse, Face and Profile”, so that the multitude of shades ofgray can be harmoniously entwined betweenblack and white, showing various parts of the shadow. The pure colors pacify thecomplex contours, thus allowing people to enjoy the nuance of details. The gray scale leaves room for simple
imagination on reality.

黑,最能表现光线纯粹的色彩  Black, a color to fully exhibit thepurity of lights

In thisspace, we use black as a primary color to express the texture. A 4-meter longdining table is placed across the public area, of which the top is made fromthe natural volcanic rock. This ore-rock with natural texture and density on its surface highlights theoriginal power of objects in the environment of clean and homogeneous colorblocks.

这笔浓黑的线条,打破长型开放格局会安排的阵列习性,架构出与窗对景的视觉中心,串连玄关旁黑色调阅读角落与另端卧室区轴线,任室内行为自由流动于两侧平面。而藏在桌面下一抹勃艮第红,在默片般的场域画出冷艳的戏剧张力,稍纵即逝但后劲十足。The thick black linebreaks the habitual arrangement in a long open space, and constructs a visual focusbetween the window and view. By linking the black reading corner beside theentryway with the axle of bedroom area at the other end, the indoor movementsflow freely between the two sides. Also, a hint of Burgundy red under thetabletop expresses a cool dramatic effect in a silent film-like field, which istransient but impressive.

带领视觉的黑色,在90度轴线上迎来另一重点——立面纯净的哑黑色VIPP厨房,利用类家具的轮廓设计特点,延续开放空间由各种黑色元件拼组层次的语汇。Blackis the color that leads visual focus horizontally to another key area - theVIPP kitchen with a pure matte black facade. We use the outline designcharacteristics of quasi-furniture, and extend various black elements toconstitute the layers of open space.

我们拼接、叠放质地各异的黑:黝黑雾黑焦黑、原始粗犷的黑、细如发丝的黑、冷硬宁静的黑和奶油般浓醇的黑…从前在画里一致隶属影子,净化色彩同时也解放黑色的局限,经由日光在其表面折射的光线强弱,影子有了轻重的韵律变化。We splice and stack black blockswith different textures: dark black, matte black, charred black, coarse black,super-fine black, stone-cold black, tranquil black, mellow black. In the past,black was generally used for the shadow in the painting. It purified many othercolors and at the same time broke through the limitations of black itself. Theshadow has a deep or shallow rhythmic variation through the intensity of lightreflected by daylight on its surface.

白,广袤寂静的温柔映衬  White, being a wide and quietbackground in a gentle way
At the end of thedining table, the long grayish-white wall vertical to the reflective surface createssuper-shallow shades with equally spaced cutting lines. The ceiling system of matchingcolor, gray hand-painted beam-column structure, and the beige gray flooring ofthe same large area, together are the expression of light color opposite to theblack.

并非纯然净白的表情,它们以互衬的形式诠释画布上代表光的部分,在黑与白、明与暗的二极概念间柔和衍生出更丰富的层次,和谐地整合形体轮廓。They are not pure white color, but complement each other to convey asense of light on canvas. Between black and white, dark and light, these light colorgently derive rich layers and integrate the shapes and contours harmoniously.


生活是反覆播放日常串连起的记忆长卷,在家的场域即便选择对比强的黑与白,还是可以应用材质扩充单色变化的细腻度,带来回味无穷的隽永。而层层叠叠不同调性的灰,消弭了黑与白的锐利,像不同时序里各种浓度、长短的影子纪录在同一画面中,掺入真实生活需要的温柔。Life is repetitively playing thelong scroll of daily memories. Even using the contrasting colors of black andwhite for home décor, we can apply various materials to add the subtlety to thevariation of monochrome, and make it impressive. The gray color of different tonalitiesdiminishes the sharpness brought by black and white, as the shadows withdifferent concentrations and lengths at different times recorded in the samedrawing, adding a sense of tenderness needed in true life.

室内面积:264 平方米


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