Make life simple and leave space Find the quality of life in the busy life
高级灰的色调在空中缥缈,缠绵出一串心仪的音符 ,宽敞的面积与良好的采光,营造出视觉上的明亮与通透 。
The tone of high-grade grey is ethereal in the air,lingering out of a string of heart notes,spacious area and good lighting,create a bright and transparent vision.
盘盏丰腴,新绿簇簇,阳光正好,将清雅铺开,肆意蔓延流淌,看似淡然随意,却倾注着对生活细节的每一分热爱。 The dish is full-bodied, with green clusters and just the right sunshine.It spreads elegant and spreads freely.It seems indifferent and casual,but it is full of love for every detail of life.
两本闲书,几缕夕阳,捂一杯温茶,我们开始心灵建造。 Two idle books, a few wisps of sunset, cover a cup of warm tea,we began to build the mind.
空间经过净化,在彰显时代气脉的同时,又不失内敛稳重,满溢的艺术之感,不但是对风格的遵循也是对个性的展示,在充满细腻的空间里赋予更多属性。 The use of high-grade soft decoration techniques to activate the original space,full of artistic texture,is not only to follow the style, but also to show personality, giving more attributes in the delicate space.
理想的生活空间是源自对美好生活的不竭探寻,细微之处鉴臻心。 The ideal living space is derived from the endless exploration of a better life and the refinement of the mind
空间或许就是我们真实生活的写照,平凡而又不平淡,学会品味艺术,找到生活中的艺术,这就是家的意义,同样也是生活的艺术。 Space may be the portrayal of our real life, ordinary and not plain. Learning to taste art and find the art in life is the meaning of home and the art of life
项目名称|邺南·揽月台样板间 项目地址|中国·河南 设计公司 | 深圳令一设计有限公司
项目面积|135㎡ 设计时间 | 2020.09 项目摄影|江国增 |